battle for the net what to say to congress


Protesters get together in front of the US Capitol Wednesday equally part of a "Day of Action" demonstration telling lawmakers to protect net neutrality regulation.

Need Progress

Millions of people take answered a call to support the Federal Communications Committee's existing net neutrality rules.  Simply volition that be enough to convince the agency to dorsum off of its plan to impale them?

In response to the planned overhaul, the Republican-led FCC has received a record-breaking 7.4 1000000 comments -- nearly double the amount it received in 2014 when information technology was considering the existing rules to ensure an open up internet.  Roughly2 meg of those comments were filed on Wednesday, when thousands of activists, individuals and tech companiesparticipated in an online protestation to educate people virtually internet neutrality, according to Fight for the Future, one of the organizers of the campaign.

The flood of support reflects the positive sentiment that most Americans take towards the existing rules. In fact, it'south 1 of the few problems that actually unites Americans. A contempo poll shows that three quarters of consumers support keeping the existing rules, according to Washington-based Freedman Consulting. The opinion crossed party lines: 73 per centum of Republicans, 80 percent of Democrats and 76 percent of independents are fine with the status quo.

But the FCC Chairman Ajit Pai appears dead attack going frontwards with the proposal. He and Commissioner Michael O'Rielly have been vehemently opposed to the 2015 rules, calling them blowsy and stifling to business investment. They've both repeatedly stated their intent to dismantle them. Pai admitted in a oral communication introducing his proposal information technology would be a fight, but he said it was "a fight he intended to win."

So if the FCC does dismantle the rules, what happens next? Consumer advocates and other proponents could launch a legal challenge, tying the upshot upward in court for years -- perhaps until later the current administration. Or companies could push Congress to pass its own law and take the power out of the commission.

But here'south where things get catchy. Courtroom cases tin drag on and legislation is certain to involve compromises. Denelle Dixon, chief business concern and legal officer for Mozilla, says the fight to go along the cyberspace complimentary and open is too important to not push forwards. But she admits it may not turn out exactly as she would similar.

"Legislation by its nature is complicated and never plays out the way you lot expect," she said. "One side doesn't always win."

The legal route

Staunch supporters of the electric current cyberspace neutrality regulations say they are already gearing up for the inevitable legal battle.

"A court claiming is sure if the FCC overturns the existing rules," said Matt Wood, policy director for the advancement group Costless Press.

The 2015 rules have already been challenged in court past AT&T and others. The U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia upheld the FCC's authority to classify broadband equally a utility, a concept that Pai and the broadband providers oppose. Before this twelvemonth, the court also refused to rehear the case before the full panel of judges at the courtroom.

"Information technology's going to be tough for Chairman Pai to testify that the decision the FCC made only two years ago was then wrong that information technology warrants reclassifying broadband again," Wood said. "Nothing has changed in the network to non make broadband a telecommunications service."

Gigi Sohn, who advised quondam FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler, the original champion of the 2015 rules, agrees that information technology volition exist difficult to convince a court that there is a reason to reverse the regulation.

"Winning in the courts is our all-time run a risk of protecting the open cyberspace," she said.

Simply the court battle could take years to play out. After the FCC adopted the first set of net neutrality rules in 2010, Verizon sued the agency in 2011. The decision went against the FCC when it was delivered three years later, forcing the agency to rewrite the rules into its current incarnation.

Congressional route

Another possible scenario is Congress taking activeness. Many people, including big broadband companies like AT&T, Comcast and Verizon, say a new law is needed to put in identify strong, permanent and legally enforceable net neutrality rules that protect consumers and foster innovation and investment in broadband.

Without a new law, these companies say the lawsuits will continue as regulations swing back and forth depending on which political party controls the White Firm.

"We believe the best way to finish the game of regulatory ping-pong that has been played in the net neutrality space for the by decade, would be for Congress to act and give clear legal dominance and legislative direction," David Cohen, senior executive vice president at Comcast, said in a blog mail service.

Berin Szoka, head of the conservative tech policy think tank TechFreedom, agrees. He said congressional action is inevitable.

"We will however be having the aforementioned word and statement over this issue in a decade without legislation," he said on a phone call Tuesday with reporters. "There will somewhen be legislation. The but question is when."

Senator John Thune, a Republican from Due south Dakota and chairman of the Senate Commerce Committee, which oversees the FCC, said in an op-ed this week on the tech site Recode that he is prepared to work with Democrats to draft bipartisan legislation to codify the parts of the rules that everyone agrees with.

"The solution to this dilemma, passing indelible bipartisan legislation, is obvious and -- no, I'grand not kidding -- inside Congress' reach," he said.

He said more two and half years ago right earlier the FCC adopted its rules, he released a draft proposal that outlawed the online practices of blocking, throttling and paid prioritization of legal content over broadband cablevision and wireless connections. And information technology did this without subjecting broadband to utility-manner regulations that govern the traditional telephone network.

Congressional compromise?

Just cyberspace neutrality supporters and Democrats in the Senate are skeptical that new legislation is the respond.

"No one believes this Congress can deliver legislation that provides strong net neutrality protections," Sohn said.

Senator Al Franken, a Democrat from Minnesota and a longtime supporter of cyberspace neutrality, wants to keep the current rules, but is open up to bipartisan legislation if there are strong protections.  But he's skeptical Republicans would be able to evangelize.

"Any legislation that we would get in the current Congress would be weaker than the Open Internet order that's in effect now," he said.

Merely some of the large tech companies that support the current net neutrality rules say they can't beget to have this event drag on for another decade. They're open to giving Congress a gamble to finally put the debate to rest.

Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg said in a mail service on his Facebook page for the "Day of Action" that Facebook supports the current FCC rules for keeping the internet open and gratuitous from interference from broadband providers. But he added the company is also open to working with Congress to create a police to protect internet neutrality.

Some companies say information technology may exist the best chance of getting more immediate, lasting protections.

"In a perfect world, nosotros'd like to see the rules that exist today remain," Mozilla's Dixon said. "Simply the reality is that we have an FCC chairman who is assault dismantling them and at some point nosotros need to engage with legislators."

Now playing: Watch this: FCC chair defends his net neutrality rollback


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