Naruto How Did Orochimaru Come Back After Itachi Sealed Him? Reddit

Coffee's Gold Standard of the Naruto Fandom

By u/coffee-mugger on Reddit.

A while ago I came across this  list, which inspired me to make my own. Please remember that despite my best efforts, this list is nothing more than a documentation of my personal preferences and the ranking of particular fics, either within their genre or between the Gold and Silver lists, really means less than nothing. You can see my criteria for rating fics at the bottom of this document. For fics that are very popular but aren't my personal cup of tea, see the Silver Standard section near the bottom of the list.

Anyone is welcome to send me recommendations! My Reddit handle is u/coffee-mugger - feel free to DM me or just ping me somewhere on r/narutofanfiction.

I've listed a lot of fics here, so for each category the fic that I consider to be the overall 'best' is written in gold. In each category, fics are listed (roughly) in order of quality. Again, your mileage may vary. Massively so.

Special mention goes to the authors who have written two or more fics on this list, given here in no particular order: Gallyrat, Eilyfe , Sage Thrasher , Silver Queen , Dovey , esama , blackkat , Tozette , Lucillia , ProfessorPalmarosa , Hiiraeth (V_eritas) , Dissenter , elumish  and mapplepie .

Note (as of 28/4/19):

This list began a humble 10 pages, but is now broaching 17. I feel that it's no longer accurate to call it the "gold standard," but instead it now resembles a highly-recommended list. In each category, the fics are listed roughly in quality order, although this is very subjective. If there's enough interest, I might do a complete overhaul of the ordering, creating a "gold standard" section and a "not-gold-standard-but-still-good" section.

Note on terminology (as of 11/5/19):

Just in case it's confusing: The For Want of a Nail and AU sections are subsections of the Genfics section. There are AU fics and For Want of a Nail fics listed in other sections (such as RED in Tragedy/Melancholy). All fics in Genfics are either AU or FWoaN, but not all AU/FWoaN fics are in Genfics. Make sense?

...this explanation probably just confused you even more tbh.


  1. Genfics
  1. For Want of a Nail
  2. AU
  1. Speculative Fanfiction
  2. SI-OC
  3. Time-Travel
  4. Tragedy/Melancholy
  5. Horror
  6. Humour
  7. Romance
  8. Wholesome
  9. Mystery/Whodunnits
  10. Crossovers
  11. The Other List
  12. Coffee's To-Read List
  13. What I look for in a fic


Fics that follow the story of the protagonist as they grow. Most commonly, they centre around Team 7, and chapter 1 corresponds roughly with episode 1 of canon. I have sorted them into three categories – For Want Of A Nail fics, AUs and speculative fanfiction.

For Want of a Nail:

A minor change to canon is initially made by the author, which has ever-increasing effects on the plot as the story develops. Also known as a Butterfly Effect fic. Named by the community after this famous poem.

One Eye, Full of Wisdom by MrBright01 [ABANDONED]

Kakashi survived his losses in spirit as well as in body, and having learned both wisdom and intellect from his experiences, he now seeks to pass those traits on to his students. Story emphasis is on tactical fighting, mind games, adventure, and the occasional bout of humor. GenFic, no story stealing OC's or creepy romance between children. Current Arc: Jashin Needs YOU.

As the summary advertises, you can expect fun mind games and intricate tactics. The fic takes an unusual route plot-wise, and manages to create character interactions that are unusual, realistic, and an absolute joy to read. It also has one of my favourite interpretations of the Konoha Crush arc, and Gaara in general. As of 26/5/19, MrBright01 just announced his abandonment of the fic. RIP One Eye, Full of Wisdom. You will be missed.

Naruto: Myoushuu no Fuuin  by May Wren [ABANDONED]

A seal had managed to defeat and imprison the Kyuubi no Kitsune, the strongest demon to ever exist. It was just ink on paper-or a stomach, as the case may be-and it held so much power… 'Yeah,' Naruto decided 'I gotta get me some of that.'

In which Naruto is a sealing prodigy. I love the character interactions in this one, especially within Team 7. My only complaint is that some drama about Naruto's questionable past feels a tad forced. Beyond that, the intelligent, creative and rational ways in which the author has characters solve problems is a joy to read.

Why we build the wall  by Dissenter [CONTINUING]

A Kiri nin gets trapped in a cave with a Konoha nin near Kannabi bridge. Some things are inevitable.

Or the AU where Kakashi is born in Kiri but still somehow ends up as team seven's teacher.

A dark-ish AU where Kakashi is a Kiri nin who defected to Konoha after helping Rin when she was kidnapped. It's quite dark, and the prose is excellent, with an odd poetic quality to it. Here's an extract:

"He told them about bloodline purges, and secret police, and always, always having to watch your back. He taught them about words wielded like knives, and secrets hoarded like treasure, and the sheer honest freedom to be found in the fight even when everything else was shrouded in the fog of deceit. He wondered if they were perceptive enough to make the connection, to realize that none of that was true only of Kiri.

He talked to them about the cool fresh mist on the air at dawn, and the sunlight shining off the canals and the sword dances in the town square at midwinter. He told them that it was possible to both love a thing and fear it, to care for it and betray it utterly. He wasn't sure how much they understood, but he hoped they would at least remember. That when they truly needed it the knowledge would be there."

Dirt and Ashes, or: The One-and-a-Half Body Problem by Tozette [COMPLETE]

The invasion of Konoha during the chuunin exam didn't fail. Team seven is broken, people are dead, and Sakura is hurt and frightened and a very long way from home.

Alternative summary: In which Sakura carries half of Hidan across two countries, leaving a trail of blood, bodies, and other people's legs.

I can't believe I forgot to include Dirt and Ashes before now! This is a startlingly creative fic, that opens with a near-unique premise and doesn't lose momentum from there. Dirt and Ashes has easily the best characterisation of Hidan I've ever read, building him as a three-dimensional character who's so much more than "YES VIOLENCE," but also keeping him true to his canon self. The Sakura-Hidan dynamic is also gold.

One Small Kindness  by DigitalTart [COMPLETE]

Uchiha Mikoto takes the hand of an outcast child, and with it rewrites the destiny of her clan. AU. *SEQUEL UP*

This story is Mikoto-centric, not Naruto-centric, and follows Mikoto's efforts to stop the Uchiha massacre. It has a nice blend of politicking and action, and fleshes out what was a very minor character in canon. It also has some cool and creative uses of established powers (a Hyuga surgeon using their Byakugan for precise diagnoses? Awesome!) Its sequel, Daybreak: Part I  (also complete) is more of a genfic, following Naruto and Sasuke as genin after the events of One Small Kindness. There was originally meant to be a trilogy, but unfortunately the author has confirmed that Daybreak: Part II will not be written.

The Way of the Apartment Manager  by Elizabeth Culmer [COMPLETE]

Ayakawa Yukiko retired from being a ninja, and she's come to terms with that. Then the Third Hokage summons her for an assignment that will change her life. AU story, set six years premanga. COMPLETE

This fic is unusual in many ways. Firstly, the protagonist is an OC, but not a self-insert. Secondly, she is middle-aged. Thirdly, she is completely unremarkable as a ninja, and remains so as the story progresses. The premise is that the protagonist is a retired genin and the manager of the apartment block in which a six-year-old Naruto lives, and as she witnesses how alone he truly is, she bonds with and teaches him, This fic has probably my favourite depiction of pre-Academy Naruto, and is overflowing with heartwarming moments. Has a sequel, The Guardian in Spite of Herself , in which the protagonist also semi-adopts Sasuke after the Massacre.

What you Knead  by AgentMalkere [CONTINUING]

It started, as most things did in Kakashi's life, with a mission gone wrong.

(In which Kakashi accidentally acquires an emotionally healthy coping technique.)

The "nail" here? Kakashi takes up baking as a hobby, and as a side effect ends up being a reasonably well-adjusted person coping with his personal traumas. Really, the only thing I can say about this fic is that I had a big, goofy smile on my face the entire time I was reading it. It's a completely shameless fix-it fic, and I love it. Currently just finished Wave.

How to Make a Team  by Pleasedial123 [SERIES, CONTINUING]

A different Team Seven, in which Kakashi becomes a teacher and everything changes.

  1. Being Over-Prepared is Impossible (and other mottos)  [COMPLETE]

In one world, Kakashi awoke, felt grieved at being assigned a team he sees his own in, and he let that grief make him a lazy teacher. He saw himself in Sasuke, Obito in Naruto, and Rin in Sakura. He woke, saw himself in them, and took a large step back, regretting accepting them as his new team. In another world he was quite hands off, merely a watcher because it was so very painful to watch. He  saw himself and all his mistakes in this new team of his. In this world, Kakashi awoke, saw the similarities, and instantly panicked. He suddenly realized what he had done, passing a team. Kakashi was left scrambling not to repeat old mistakes and regrets. This team would not suffer the fate of his team. In this world, simply put, Kakashi became a teacher. This is the starting of a new Team seven.

  1. Surviving is the Same Thing as Winning  [COMPLETE]                                 A new Team Seven enters the chunin exam and all the disasters that accompany it. And they may be stronger and better than ever before, but like most stories; the stronger you get, the harder the challenges you rise to meet are. Team Seven is going to survive the chunin exams and that's better than winning in Kakashi's book.

I love the building of Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke as ninja in this fic. It takes their powersets in unusual directions, which is a breath of fresh air in a somewhat overdone genre. I also really enjoy the interactions between Team 7. The use of instruments to characterise Sasuke, in particular, stuck with me. Like many fics, this fic presents a slightly darker picture of Konoha, but not so much so that it's noticeable. Overall, an excellent example of one of my favourite genres ("Kakashi is a good teacher and Team 7 becomes strong and cohesive").

Worm Charming  by GremlinSR [CONTINUING]

After Minato's death, Shikaku is thrust into a position he never expected and certainly never wanted. It isn't long before he discovers a wealth of corruption and sabotage that threatens the very foundation of the village he is sworn to protect. Using every ounce of his famous Nara intellect and cunning, Shikaku struggles to outmaneuver hidden enemies in order to keep his village and family safe.

Or: A for want of a nail story in which Nara Shikaku becomes Hokage after Minato's death and promptly turns everything on its head.

Worm Charming is a Shikaku-centric political drama with a focus on Danzo and Root. A lot of fics portray Danzo as either some unarrestable god protected by plot-armour or somebody who can be killed with a snap of the fingers and no fallout. I appreciate how Worm Charming strikes a fair balance, where Danzo can be dealt with but not without months of hard work and heavy consequences. Worm Charming has strong OCs and heavily uses some minor canon characters like Fugaku. Six-year-old Itachi is also adorable. It's well-written with an engaging plot, solid characters, a light dash of humour and great emotional beats.

Frayed Truths  by RecklessWriter [CONTINUING]

"What are you saying?" Kakashi demands, distress turning his tone harsh. "That you don't know when he'll wake up?"

I'm saying I don't know if he will."

When Itachi uses the Tsukuyomi on his brother that day in the hallway, he miscalculates. In the aftermath, Sakura and Naruto struggle with what it means to be a team and Kakashi sits by the bedside of a boy that might never wake.

A single misstep, and everything changes.

This fic's strong point is easily its character work, although with its relatively short length (so far), it hasn't had much of a chance to display clever long-term writing or character scenes. The bar scene between Naruto and Tsunade was simply brilliant. The fic opens right after the encounter between Sasuke and Itachi in the hotel, with the 'nail' being that Tsunade cannot wake Sasuke from his coma. The fic shows strong potential for a long-term plot, which began to pick up in pace in the last few chapters. Considering that the author has released 11 chapters in 6 months, I look forward to its future development.

Regeneration  by Hiiraeth (V_eritas) [SERIES; COMPLETE?]

AU Where Nohara Rin survives being made into a jinchuuriki and team Minato changes the world. Eventual KakaRin, with elements of KakaObiRin.

  1. Regeneration [COMPLETE]

Rin always knew her life was dangerous, but she still thought she'd live past thirteen. In this world, she does.

Rin struggles with a new identity, Kakashi finds unexpected reasons to live, and Minato chooses his family over everything. Far away, underground, a young boy wakes up with no idea of who he is… Canon-divergent AU. Jinchuuriki!Rin. Slowburn KakaRin.

  1. Inheritance  [COMPLETE]

With Minato gone and Kushina's fate still uncertain, Kakashi and Rin navigate new responsibilities in the form of a toddler jinchuuriki who has no one else to depend on, disturbing new powers and ultimately, the quest to bring Senju Tsunade home.

  1. Homebound  [COMPLETE]

[Regeneration-verse, age 18-19] A series of connected one-shots set in the Regeneration 'verse, where Rin doesn't die, Obito is brainwashed, and Kushina survives Kyuubi.

The second one of Hiiraeth's fics to appear on this list (the first being  Uneasy Lies the Head ), Regeneration is an amazing exploration of the Naruto world and the people in it, sweetened by a solid plot and intense action scenes. I really like this fic's Tsunade. Regeneration's one failing in my view is that despite being probably complete, there are certain major plot elements that were never tied up. For those wondering about Regeneration's completion status, the author lists it as incomplete but has explicitly stated their intention not to write any further sequels, so… \_(ツ)_/¯ Thanks to u/BalkinBalkans for the rec!

Childhood  by Taivasalla [COMPLETE]

Sarutobi said ANBU was no place for a child, but a brotherhood of killers is more of a family than Naruto ever had. Now, with war looming and intravillage tension threatening his fragile world, even this may not last. Not super!Naruto.

Childhood isn't Naruto-centric, or even really about Naruto. It's more the story of ANBU Squad 14, consisting of Raidou, Genma, Hayate, Tenzou and Kakashi, and their attempts to survive political machinations much larger than they are. The relationship between Raidou and Naruto is heartwarming, and the exploration of Konoha's political systems and schemes was interesting. The ending was rushed in my opinion, but that is my only major criticism of an otherwise fine fic. Thanks to u/Balkinbalkans for the recommendation!

Chained to the Magma Pit by Intent_To_Stay [ABANDONED]

As a child, Naruto dealt with anger the best way he could--via revenge, screaming into pillows, and picking fights he couldn't win. Meeting the Nine Tailed fox introduces a new option for fun therapy.

AKA the fic where Naruto meets the Nine Tails early and they can communicate--they just have nothing nice to say to each other.

Essentially what the summary says: a pre-genin Naruto who struggles with anger issues, and is able to speak with a decidedly unfriendly Kurama. At only 5 chapters, the fic is quite short so far, but has already presented creative and quality characterisation of Iruka and Hinata, and their relationships with Naruto. I appreciate that the author had the courage to write Iruka and Naruto as initially not having the same connection that they did in canon, since that's one relationship that almost never gets changed in fanfiction.

When Fighting Monsters  by strid [ABANDONED] "You persecuted their clan, drove them from their home, killed their mother, and you think they want peace?"

In which Jiraiya's trying his best to live with the guilt, Kakashi's just following orders, Itachi isn't given a choice, and no one's quite sure whether they're talking to Sasuke or his doppelgänger.

A Hokage!Danzo AU which focuses on the Massacre and its long-term fallout. Things go very differently to canon. No one character knows the whole truth, all characters lie about what they do  know, so it's left to the reader to piece together exactly what happened. Once the full backstory is dished out, the fic adopts a standard chronological structure.

experience sends terrific bills  by Prinzenhasserin [SERIES, ABANDONED?]

Hatake Kakashi is born to Uzushio refugees. This changes things.

  1. running on empty  [ONESHOT]

Uzushiogakure is destroyed as the opening act of the Second Shinobi War as a move against Konoha. Some of the surviving citizens seek refuge in its greatest ally, and while the village adapts the whirlpool as a symbol, the people somehow fall through the cracks. Hatake Kakashi was born to Uzushio natives, and sometimes, he doesn't even feel the weight of a destroyed village behind him.

  1. take your time  [MULTICHAPTER, COMPLETE]

Hatake Kakashi has been through way too many back-to-back missions lately, and while he's unable to escape, the Hokage assigns him a genin team. To carry on his legacy, apparently, as if teaching countless generations of Anbu wasn't legacy enough.

This is a Kakashi-centric series following his attempts to keep Team 7 alive, whole and relatively sane. Running on empty is a short oneshot showing his parents reaching Konoha and giving birth to him, take your time is where the real meat of the story is. While technically the "nail" of the story is "what if Kakashi was born to Uzushio refugees?", in my view the real "nail" that has a far greater effect on the story is "what if Kakashi retained his status as ANBU commander after being given Team 7?" The secrets and subterfuge are very fun, and every Kakashi-Tenzo interaction is hilarious.

from the corner of your eye  by chadsuke [CONTINUING]

When a misunderstanding prompts Sasuke to take a deeper involvement in the growth of his teammates, no one is quite prepared for the way things... change. Especially Sasuke.

The question is - is it for the better?

[A slow burn Naruto rewrite.]

[Current Arc: Faces in the Mirror]

Although this fic's "nail" is that Sasuke believes that Naruto intentionally kissed him at the Academy, and therefore that Naruto has a crush on him, this fic is neither a comedy nor a romance. In fact, the "crush" largely vanishes from the story after it triggers Sasuke to notice his teammates, which is the real major change this fic uses. From the corner of your eye has the lightest tone of the many Team 7 genfics on this list. Bonus points for every member of Team 7 being adorable and being given strong character development. I particularly like the author's take of Naruto, they capture his character very well in Naruto-POV scenes. Bonus points for utilising Karin as a major character while entirely doing away with her crush on Sasuke. Minus points for a few spelling/grammar issues.

About Face  by wroth_and_ruin [ABANDONED]

A little yellow-haired boy saves Sakura from the bullies. And everything changes.

Updates sporadically.

Kid Naruto and Sakura as best friends are irrepressibly cute. This is largely a fix-it fic, and seeing kid Naruto get the friendship he deserves, Mizuki get his comeuppance and Sasuke get the emotional support he needs after the Massacre is unashamedly nice to read. The fic is pleasantly slow-paced, meandering through the Academy years rather than skipping straight to graduation like too many fics do.  Thanks to u/ dheeval for the rec!

Nibi  by AyzuLK [CONTINUING]

Every Uchiha has a pyromaniac side, Madara Uchiha wouldn't be an exception.

Between choosing to enslave a fox with tails capable of levelling mountains or a giant fire cat, he found himself with a difficult choice.

Where Madara uses Nibi instead of Kyuubi in the fight against Hashirama, leading Matatabi to be the bijuu sealed in Mito Uzumaki.

Many years later, Naruto Uzumaki has a giant necromancer cat in his belly.

They say that it takes a village to raise a child. Naruto has a flock of ghosts in need of therapy, an ANBU with PTSD who knows how to manipulate an order of distancing, an academy sensei who could take over the world and a giant cat who likes to control the dead.

An AU where Naruto has Matatabi instead of Kurama, and consequently can see ghosts. Cue baby Naruto being raised by the unholy combination of Kushina, Tobirama and Izuna. This is a fun family fic set during Naruto's early childhood. It indulges in a lot of cliches (Naruto having to fear attacks on the night of the memorial festival, sabotage at the Academy, Iruka being more powerful than in canon etc etc) but I enjoyed it nonetheless. Thanks to u/TeeOneJay for the recommendation!

Seven or Two  by grit [SERIES; COMPLETE?] This series follows Kakashi and Sakura in an AU wherein she graduated early and he took her on as an apprentice.

  1. Seven or Two  [ONESHOT] He makes a split-second decision. Their teamwork was atrocious, but he knows who to blame, and it's not the girl who blackmailed her teammates into giving a damn.
  2. Frame  [ONESHOT] "You've been, ah. Promoted." He points out helpfully, giving her a thumbs-up. That's what you do, right?
  3. Level  [ONESHOT] He tilts his head mutely and glances uncomfortably at the report on the Hokage's desk. It's a list of Academy student graduates.
  4. Hitch  [ONESHOT] He'd scurry because the store is closing up in a minute or two, but ah, effort.
  5. Dinner's at Seven  [ONESHOT] He spreads his hands in a shrug. "I don't like doors."
  6. On Track  [ONESHOT] She hauls a violent glare at her teammate, kicks the door shut between them and peers at the mirror.

Seven or Two is a series of slice-of-life oneshots following Sakura and Kakashi's lives as apprentice and mentor. It's listed as incomplete on AO3, but the lack of a single central plot means that the six existing oneshots stand fine as they are. I like this series' calm tone and meandering pace, as well as its humour. My favourite entry is probably Level, though Dinner's at Seven is a close second.

Reversal of Roles  by Ranowa Hikura [COMPLETE]

Obito didn't push Kakashi out of the way during the Battle at Kannabi Bridge. This one change eventually leads to Godaime Naruto being sent back in time with the leader of the Akatsuki- Kakashi. They arrive at the day of Naruto's Academy graduation, and Naruto must work with the man he hates the most to stop war from happening. Time travel, AU, Kakanaru friendship.

A fun fic that really shines in its action scenes. The author is adept at inventing jutsu, such as other variants of a perfected Rasengan. Most fics fall into one of two categories regarding fight scenes - either they go by Rule of Cool, like the original canon, or they use sometimes-confusing strategic fights. The author manages to balance this with creative, tactical fighting that is also inestimably badass and genuinely feels like Naruto. While the alternate "original" timeline is offscreened, the flashbacks and references we are shown also feel like Naruto canon. Minor complaint at the author's use of one of the cringier Naruto fanons, the "Hatake white chakra" (what???). Also a few asspulls here and there, which prevent the fic from being ranked higher.

symbiosis  by Emmar [COMPLETE]

Shinobi seem to harbour this bizarre impression that civilians are somehow... soft.

Sakura aims to disabuse them of this notion.

(The one where Sakura is a farmer's daughter, and knows better than most the value of hard work and, more importantly, the importance of co-existence within an ecosystem.)

Symbiosis is a short, slice-of-life-ey fic about an alternate Sakura. It's pretty wholesome and funny. The plot mostly follows canon, but takes a backseat to character writing and fun scenes - if you're in the market for a plot-focussed story, symbiosis isn't for you. Symbiosis is just a nice light read to put a smile on your face. Thanks to u/aMiserable_creature  for the rec!

Tale of the Setting Sun  by PK Samurai [CONTINUING]

Naruto was born with hair as red as his mother's, but with a face and intellect that paralleled his father, the Fourth Hokage. Will the revolution he brings be the world's salvation or destruction?

The 'nail' in this fic is pretty generic: Naruto is a genius. However, the author manages to avoid making the entire fic "ermahgerd look at how badass Naruto is!!1!!!111". I particularly like their depiction of Naruto as a young child. The first chapter, where Naruto realises that (a) he is hated, and (b) he has done nothing to earn their hate, is heart-wrenching to read.

the pretty one  by theformerone [ONESHOT]

Kakashi is maybe ten seconds too late to redirect the assassination techniques.

Sakura leaps in between them because those who abandon their comrades are worse than scum.

Despite the unpleasant "nail" of this fic, it's actually a surprisingly wholesome look at how Team 7's bonds grow stronger as a result of Sakura's injuries. Aside from the highly creative and unusual premise, there's no one particular aspect of this fic that stands out above the rest - it just has consistently excellent writing, strong characterisation, a surprising amount of worldbuilding for a oneshot, and smooth pacing.

if you can't hold on, hold on  by Fiercest [CONTINUING]

Sakura always wished she could relate to her teammates better. She wishes she could take it back.

In which Sasuke acquires some unwanted roommates and a team becomes a family.

In which Sakura's parents die during the Konoha Crush, and she has to deal with the issues arising from that. I mostly like this fic for its realistic representation of Sakura's character. Fiercest's Sakura is as traumatised and affected by her parents' deaths as you'd expect of a 12-year-old who walked home to see their corpses. The relationships between all of Team 7, including Kakashi, are also very well-done.

Dreams Abandoned, Promises Kept by Gigabomb [ONESHOT]

AU, Naruto, Tayuya. Naruto follows Sasuke to Sound Village in an attempt to keep his promise to Sakura. Why he stays there is another reason entirely.

I never thought I would read a Naruto-defects-with-Sasuke fic that I actually enjoyed, but here we are. I like this fic for its creativity, and its realistic character and plot development. The ending is definitely the strongest part of the fic, although I won't spoil it. There's no romance, but the fic mostly centres around Naruto's friendship with Tayuya, and to a lesser extent, the rest of the Sound Four.

The End of the Uchiha  by RowlettLesbian [CONTINUING]

"I promise, little electric spirit of this shrine," he whispered into the soft dirt and fallen leaves, "I will never gain the eyes. I will never pass them on. And I will make sure the eyes end in my brother, so that they can't hurt anybody anymore. I will be the last Uchiha, and see to the end of the Copy-Wheel Clan. Then all of the hatred here can stop, and my family can rest peacefully. I promise, little shrine."

Sasuke is more than his brother thinks he is. He's more than any Uchiha has ever been. He will kill his brother, but it will not be vengeance.

It will be mercy.

Have you ever wanted to read about a friendly Sasuke, who lives in a half-ruined house overrun by nature, and who spends all his free time working in his homemade forge? No? Well, too bad, because I'm recc'ing this fic anyway. The fic appears to follow canon and has just finished the Bell Test - I assume the Wave arc is up next. Bonus points for wildchild blacksmith Sasuke. Bonus points for cute budding NaruSasu romance. Minus points for one rather disturbing scene early on that really didn't need that much detail.

Red Eyes in the Dark  by Mysana [COMPLETE]

"There is something wrong with Naruto Uzumaki."

In which Naruto is far, far more influenced by Kurama than in canon. Despite his ferality and murderous tendencies, he manages to somewhat overcome his burden and form a touching friendship with Sakura. The fic is Sakura-centric. It becomes slightly weaker in one of the more recent chapters, but then picks up again. I like this fic's unique interpretation of a Possessed!Naruto. Most authors either go for a Naruto completely in control, or a Naruto completely possessed. This Naruto is clearly very strongly influenced by Kurama, which makes it feel very earned every time his character develops and he manages to forge real, human relationships.

Loyalty by True Radical Dreamer [CONTINUING]

Blind loyalty is simple. The problem only begins when the world makes you open your eyes. Sakura-centric, AU, pre-timeskip.

A very interesting "nail," in which Kabuto holds pre-timeskip Sakura's life hostage to force her into becoming a spy for Orochimaru. The fic mainly centres around the nature of loyalty, and how far somebody can be expected to go for their village. It's well-written with a clever premise. The plot is unique, creative and interesting, putting characters in unusual situations to see how they'd react.

Eyestealer  by nirejseki [COMPLETE]

Hashirama really doesn't approve of the thoughtful way his father looks at his younger brother's bright red eyes. He's sure it doesn't mean anything good for anyone.

He's right.

Sharingan!Tobirama AU. I really like this author's writing of Hashirama, and specifically his relationship with Madara. The tone of their interactions oscillates between funny, tense and sad in an entertaining and organic way. My one complaint is that one power Tobirama gets feels like a bit of an asspull, but beyond that the fic flew by. Warning for Butsuma bashing if that's an issue for anyone.

Fractures  by Dovey [ABANDONED]

when Sakura jumps between naruto and sasuke on the hospital roof, she expects to die. Instead, the entirety of team seven gets PTSD and make some Big Changes. Sakura can't handle the sight of her teammates. Naruto realizes his goals and his methods do not match up. Sasuke realizes his nindo will never work.

They set about fixing these things, and find their own teachers to do it.

Fractures is inspired by the pretty one,  listed a little above this entry, and shares the same premise: Kakashi doesn't stop Naruto and Sasuke from colliding with Sakura on the hospital roof, leaving Sakura grievously injured. Fractures focuses on the psychological fallout of the incident on everybody involved. I find the central conflict of the fic really interesting: how can Team 7 repair their relationships when Sakura's severe PTSD is triggered by the mere sight of Naruto or Sasuke? Fractures would be ranked higher if it weren't for the author's unfortunate tendency to forget to capitalise characters' names. (Thanks to u/charrari for the recommendation!)

Are You Ready? by Killaurey  [CONTINUING] AU. Sakura gives up on Kakashi as a teacher after Team 7 falls apart. Too bad fate, enemy ninja, and sheer bad luck have other plans.

Sakura-centric. As one of the weirder premises on the list, shortly after the end of Part 1 of canon, ANBU Kakashi and Timeskip-Kakashi swap places. ANBU Kakashi is horrified at the lax teaching of his older counterpart, while Sakura - who is understandably furious at how Part 1 Kakashi treated her - reluctantly follows orders to spend time with her former sensei to see if that triggers his missing memories. A "Kakashi trains Team 7 well and they're strong" fic, except that Team 7 is Sakura and Ino, and neither of them really trust their teacher at first. The fic is gold standard because Sakura and Ino's friendship is adorable, and the clan politics are a nice touch. It's ranked quite low within the gold standard list because of a small amount of wanking (Ino was actually the Rookie of the Year but wasn't given the title because pOLItIcS), and… not true Asuma bashing, but it's a close thing.


"Alternate Universe". Multiple changes are made to the Narutoverse.

Shinobi: Team 7 by Gallyrat [ABANDONED]

There's a saying, amongst the men and women of the Land of Fire: You can be a hero, or you can be a Shinobi. There's a response, amongst the men and woman of Team 7: Fuck that. AU.

Absolutely stunning worldbuilding, both in regards to the changes made to canon (Hiruzen being the 8th Hokage is only the start of it). The dynamic between Team 7 is particularly fun. This fic also has one of my favourite interpretations of Possessed!Naruto, and I'm a sucker for how each chapter begins with a 'quote' from a random character.

Chiaroscuro  by boomvoomshroom [ABANDONED]

"They say the only thing to fear is fear itself. That, and a motivated Nara." Shikamaru is born with his father's intelligence and his mother's work ethic. The world is turned sideways.

Team 7 consists of Shikamaru, Naruto, Ino and Kakashi. It begins very light-hearted, and the earlier chapters have top-grade comedy. The tone of the fic becomes steadily darker as Shikamaru himself unwittingly becomes involved in the political machinations behind the Hidden Leaf. Yay for politics and worldbuilding! Yay for excellently-constructed fight scenes! Yay for a cohesive plot! Yay for well-written prose!

Chiaroscuro is an odd fic - in my experience, people either think that Chiaroscuro is the best fic they've ever read, or they give it a better-than-average-but-kind-of-mediocre 6/10. Chiaroscuro is my personal favourite Naruto fic, but I can't in good faith give it the AU gold when Shinobi: Team 7 has a consistently better reception from the community. My one complaint with it is that the characters are great for a standalone story, but often bear little resemblance to their canon selves. Shoutout to u/ Shr3ck3d  for pointing out that I'd incorrectly classed Chiaroscuro as a For Want Of A Nail for a full year!

Team 7's Ascension: Blood Wings  by Eilyfe [COMPLETE]

In unity lies strength; each leaf is important or the beauty of the tree is lost. Some bonds, however, are difficult to forge and even harder to keep. The tide of blood nears, drums thunder, and three Genin stand tall as the world spirals into madness. [AU]

A dark AU. The majority of the fic follows the Wave arc and the Chunin exams arc, although major changes are made, but massively deviates from canon once it reaches the Konoha Crush arc. It has a sequel, Team 7's Ascension: Lines in the Sand  [COMPLETE] which is good, but not good enough to make the Gold Standard list. I like the use of strategy in this fic, as well as the way in which the author manages a darker Narutoverse. Some authors use darkness and character death as a crutch for actual emotion (*cough TheWavesArisen cough*) , but this is not one of them.

In Fire Forged  by OmgImPwned [ABANDONED?]

In a world where modern physics and chakra are seemingly irreconcilable, fifteen-year-old Haruno Sakura graduates as a first-grade genin with the year's highest academic scores and is thrust into a world more complex and a lot less nice than she would have thought at first. AU. Volume one of a planned trilogy. Ch 8, Ignition 1.

Stunning worldbuilding, similar to Shinobi: Team 7  in the scale and style of its changes to the Narutoverse. Unfortunately, this absolute gem of a fic doesn't progress far beyond the bell test, but the 8 chapters that do exist just exude potential from every word. A very unfortunate abandonment, and I strongly recommend reading the 8 chapters that do  exist. Like many excellent AUs, In Fire Forged has a darker take on the Narutoverse, and just generally makes the entire universe feel amazingly alive. It has great characterisation, as well - the author makes the unusual but well-executed decision of using fem!Sasuke to completely change the dynamics between Team 7.

Born Weapons  by Gallyrat [CONTINUING]

I am the empty vessel. I am the clay soldier in which the will of fire burns. (AU) (Reboot of Shinobi: Team 7)

Did I postpone listing Born Weapons because of my indecision about whether to list it together with Shinobi: Team 7 or as its own separate fic? Yes. Yes, I did. Although the author refers to Born Weapons as a reboot, its 35K words at the time of writing construct a vastly different world and plot. As with Shinobi: Team 7, the fic's greatest strength is its excellent worldbuilding. Born Weapons is set in a world where the clans are a much more powerful force than they were in canon, boasting a substantial portion of Konohan shinobi as their vassals. Gallyrat makes me feel deeply uncomfortable about the power systems of this world while still depicting the characters who benefit from these systems as sympathetic and likeable. I fully expect Born Weapons to rise on the AU list as more chapters are published.

The Howling Winds  by JMenace [ABANDONED]

(Being rewritten) Naruto's chakra is warped at birth. Instead of strengthening his body and mind, it shrieks and wails like wind through his coils. Thrust into a war of ruthless shinobi and roaming Bijuu, he'll need the resolve to fight through his greatest weakness and survive- or, the determination to make it his greatest strength and win. (Lovecraftian AU)

JMenace is not kidding when they say "Lovecraftian AU." The Howling Winds, in my view, is second only to He Had No Fingers, and perhaps also Shinobi: Team 7,  when it comes to depicting Tailed Beasts as Eldritch abominations. What makes The Howling Winds excellent is the absolutely stunning worldbuilding. Chakra, lore, setting, history, culture, politics - The Howling Winds has it all. Like any gold-standard genfic, it also has great characterisation and a solid plot. (As a side-note, it's officially titled "THW" instead of "The Howling Winds." This made finding it through Google an exercise in pain.)

Dance of the Dog God  by Tartarun [CONTINUING]

Kakashi loved Konoha a little less and his father a bit more. What happens next changes the face of history. However Team 7's destiny years later is still wrapped with the silver haired man's and an intricate dance begins.

The big AU here is that Team 7 consists of Naruto, Sakura, Sasuke and Obito (who, along with Rin, is alive). Kakashi sacrificed himself for Obito at Kannabi Bridge, and has (maybe) been dead for years. Despite the seemingly fix-it AU, Dance of the Dog God  is definitely darker than canon, but not as dark as many fics on this list. Dance of the Dog God  is a mystery thriller, in which Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke must navigate a world of politics, plots, betrayal and mysteries both inside Konoha and out of it. Constantly manipulating them, and world events, is a mysterious and powerful ninja who calls himself Firudo. Whether Firudo is Kakashi or Sakumo, and what his motives are, is the central mystery of the story. Team 7's job is made a lot harder because, as they try to investigate Firudo, they also have to survive the intricate web of plotting constructed by Akatsuki, all of the Villages, and Konoha.

The skilled mystery writing is Dance of the Dog God's main strong point, as well as strong action scenes. There is one scene near the end of the Uzushio arc that goes from "realistically dark" to "overly edgelord," but the author realises his mistake and the problem doesn't happen again. The preplanning is also impressive, with clear foreshadowing given well in advance and very few plotholes.

A Political Perspective  by VJ Riddle [ CONTINUING ]

Hatake Kakashi was a shinobi, and as a shinobi, the only people who could give him orders were his military superiors. The idea that a Council made up of civilians and peers was under the impression they could give him orders...displeased him. Or: He was ordered to pass Team 7. He was fine with that, until they actually passed.

Please don't look past this fic just because it mentions a civilian council in the summary! A Political Perspective is, like Team 7's Ascension and Team 7: Shinobi at War , a retelling of Team 7's journey, but in a darker and more politically-minded Narutoverse. Something I like about this fic is that there are actually consequences to characters' actions (e.g. A member of team 7 getting a permanent facial scar). The writing and relationships between Team 7 are all excellently done.

Sharingan Rising  by weialala [ CONTINUING ]

  1. In Good Company  [COMPLETE]

This will sound a little ridiculous, no matter how Sasuke phrases it. I see dead people  is embarrassingly tacky, and I'm half-spirit  seems like something Sakura might say when she's stoned sky high. So he settles for a shrug.

  1. Ragnarǫkr  [ CONTINUING ]

"First there was ice, frost, and fog," Sasuke recites. "Above, a cold void. Below, a fire. And in between, a demon."

The Sharingan Rising series is a sweeping Sasuke-centric AU that absolutely excels in its worldbuilding. I find that In Good Company opens after Sasuke's willing return to Konoha, but gets off to a surprisingly weak start, as the reader is given little context for the world they are being shown - how old are the characters? Where in the timeline did this fic diverge from canon? What's the relationship between Sasuke and Naruto? How long has Sasuke been back in Konoha? However, I strongly, strongly recommend getting through the first few chapters, as once it hits its stride, this is one of the best AU fics out there. Weialala presents the reader with a vast continent filled with rich cultures, languages and religions. Sharingan Rising presents a much more formalised military than most fanfictions, full of protocols, commanding officers and salutes. For those who enjoy reading about Konoha as a military power first and foremost, this fic is for you.

ANBU Legacy  by Ki (ninjaeyecandy), DK (saunterleftside), Nezu (nezumiko), Aubrey (aubreyli) , GM (gunmetal blue),  and Zuul (iamtehzuul) [SERIES; CONTINUING]

ANBU Legacy is a collaborative serial novel based on the world of Naruto by Masashi Kishimoto. It follows an alternate timeline, taking place in a Konoha where the Yondaime defeated the Kyuubi — and lived. Set approximately four years after that event, Legacy is focused on the young men and women of ANBU, who took the vow to defend the Hokage and their village at all costs.

  1. Volume 1  [COMPLETE]
  2. Volume 2  [COMPLETE]
  3. Volume 3  [COMPLETE]
  4. Volume 4  [COMPLETE]
  5. Chapters not yet compiled  [CONTINUING] (chapters are listed from most recent to oldest. Select "see older posts" and start reading from Where in the World )

The authors of ANBU Legacy, for some reason, decided not to list their fic on either FFN or AO3, but instead to host it on their own website. At 1.1 million words and counting, ANBU Legacy has ousted In The Blood for the title of longest entry on the list. The good: the fic is released in PDF form, formally formatted exactly like a real novel. It surprised me how much I appreciated that. The two OC cast members are well-written and well-developed. The overall writing is of a consistently high quality, surprisingly so for a series with so many authors. I love the worldbuilding of ANBU as a military branch complete with requisition forms, leave, officers' training courses and paperwork to be done in triplicate. The storyline is good fun. The bad: The pace is glacial. By my rough mental calculations, despite the series being over a million words, only around 3 months have passed in-universe - though I confess that I haven't read the uncompiled chapters yet. All of the 5-person main cast is LGBT, and while I have no issue with LGBT representation in fics, that's just so statistically unlikely that it breaks my suspension of disbelief. I think Kakashi is done somewhat dirty by the writers, but that could just be my bias talking. There's one very long and rather gratuitious sex scene very early on in the fic which I recommend skipping.

One Hundred Days  by Aaron Nowack [COMPLETE]

Naruto leaves on his three year training trip, and Sakura begins the struggle to improve herself. How much will they have changed when they meet again in one hundred days?

Don't be put off by the mediocre summary, One Hundred Days is a fic that starts well and quickly becomes extraordinary. It follows the parallel stories of Naruto and Jiraiya attempting to fix Naruto's seal while staying one step ahead of Akatsuki, and Sakura's journey through the next Chunin Exams. The fic was written in ~2003, so expect a major AU. My favourite aspect of this fic is its slow payoff, all the different interlocking threads of the story build up to a well-planned climax. The OCs are also genuinely enjoyable and solidly-fleshed out, I don't often find myself genuinely caring when OCs die, but I did here. My one criticism is that the climax dragged on for a bit too long. Thanks to u/TheSwanSennin for the recommendation!

Rise of the Uchiha  by AlphaEph19 [ABANDONED]

One decision can change the world, but it's not as easy to change it back again. To his shame, Itachi saves his brother at the cost of losing his village. Now the shinobi of Konoha are enslaved or scattered, hearts full of vengeance but bereft of hope. As for Naruto, he is finally acknowledged... by Madara. When the battle lines are drawn, how will he know where to stand?

Absolutely massive AU. The main premise is that the Uchiha's Coup succeeded, and they now have complete control of the Hidden Leaf. Non-Uchiha shinobi were branded with the Caged Bird seal, and all important figures from the previous leadership were assassinated or imprisoned. Itachi took Sasuke and fled, and Madara adopted Naruto as his son and heir. The fic follows three main factions: Itachi and Sasuke on the run, the dispossessed clan heirs who Jiraiya rescued and took to Sand, and Naruto, loyally serving the Uchiha. What I love about this fic is how it manages to retain the core nature of each character while being realistic about how their circumstances would result in different personalities from canon. Too many AUs either go completely OOC or retain characters' exact canon personalities, in my opinion. The author is also very skilled at balancing the three groups' intertwining stories, which only converge at the climax of the fic. Frustratingly, the fic was abandoned on the second-last chapter.

Only in Sleep  by meridianpony [ABANDONED]

At night, Sakura dreams of people she's never seen before.

The blond boy, chained to the wall of a cell and housing unimaginable power within his body. The dark-haired boy, with blood-red eyes and bruises all over his skin. The pale-skinned killer, with dead eyes and blood all over his hands.

She has no idea how they're all connected, but she's determined to find out.

Take an urban fantasy novel, like Skulduggery Pleasant or somesuch. Add Naruto characters. That's meridianpony's Only in Sleep, the only modern AU I've ever enjoyed. With its own magic system and world, I enjoyed Only in Sleep  more as a standalone book than a Naruto fanfiction. However, I really, really enjoyed it. The character interactions are great fun, and the overall quality of the prose is excellent.

Five Petals  by PrecariousSauce [SERIES; CONTINUING]

  1. Five Petals  [COMPLETE]

Several things happen all at once in less than a minute's time. Sakura's elbow slams into Sasuke's side from an angle he doesn't anticipate, sending him tumbling end over end off the branch. Sasuke rights himself just a second too late and without checking where he's going to land– When he does his knee twists, he feels a lightning bolt of pain shoot from his sole to his head, his leg gives out. And Orochimaru's teeth sink down to the gum in Sakura's shoulder.

  1. Intermission  [COMPLETE]

A continuation of Five Petals Nobody can put their life on hold for two years, not even for Naruto. Time skips like a stone over water, making contact every so often and getting a glimpse at what's below the lake before flying further. Sakura conspires deep below the earth and Sasuke lives one day at a time.

  1. Yamazakura  [CONTINUING]

A continuation of Five Petals. Yamazakura; A cherry tree that grows in the wild, uncultivated. Everything Sakura's been working toward, all her efforts over these two years in the dark will finally bear fruit. She can feel her headband sitting heavy in her weapons' pouch. She resists it's call. She can only wear it again when her mission ends, however it ends. Sakura takes a deep breath and opens the door. Time to shed her skin.

Contrary to what the title and summary imply, this series is mostly Sasuke-centric. Aside from the standard properties of any high-quality genfic, I particularly appreciate how characters' actions in Five Petals have consequences. Injuries aren't just a matter of getting healed, maybe being left with a badass-looking scar, and getting back to work. They can be permanent, chronic, career-affecting things - even for major characters. Beyond that, Five Petals' fight scenes are a standout strength of the fic, as is Sasuke's character development. For those of you who feel strongly about shipping, you should know that there's a slowburn SasuSaku subplot.

Trial by Ninja  by jacobk [SERIES; ABANDONED]

  1. Trial by Ninja  [COMPLETE]

To become great, one must overcome great opponents. A moment of inspiration during the chuunin exam puts Sakura on the path to greatness, whether she likes it or not.

  1. Appeal of Authority [ABANDONED]

Sakura is back in Konoha after a flurry of dangerous missions, safe and sound. Or so she thinks. Life in a ninja village is never simple, and she's going to find out what it really means to be Tsunade's protege. In the mean time, Konoha's enemies are hardly idle... Sequel to Trial by Ninja.

Trial by Ninja is a standard coming-of-age AU that opens in the preliminary round of the Chunin exams and leaves off when the characters are 16 or 17. I absolutely love the fight scenes in this fic, the author always strikes a balance of showing cool powers while not having any character be unreasonably OP. Despite being published during mid-late Shippuden, the fights are very reminiscent of Part 1, with even top-tier characters having reasonably limited destructive capabilities. My one gripe with this fic is that a very important part of Sasuke's character development is yada-yada'ed over with no real explanation.

Burning Legacy  by wenwen [SERIES; CONTINUING]

There's a traitor presiding over Konoha.

  1. Rise [COMPLETE]

Seven years after the Kyuubi attack, the Sandaime Hokage's sudden assassination threw Konoha into chaos, and at the end of the night, two factions arose in its shinobi forces: those who stayed and those who ran. Of those who ran, many were shinobi that the new administration denounced as traitors, deserters, and murderers. Two years later, a ragged group of children who vanished the night of the Sandaime's assassination, who would have been raised in relative peace but instead grew up running, were recruited to fight a war for the homes they barely remembered. In which Kakashi is forced to the forefront of yet another war, Itachi is given to maudlin internal monologues, Shisui alternates between coping and dissociating, and Zabuza wonders why he couldn't have left the honor to the fucking samurai.

AO3 and ridiculously long summaries, name a more iconic duo. Burning Legacy is a fun AU featuring some of those tropes that everyone seems to love, but few stories write well - actual war, Hokage Danzo and a rag-tag band of fugitive heroes fighting to retake Konoha. While Burning Legacy is clearly intended to be a series, at the time of writing only the first instalment (Rise) is published. The author has recently stated that a sequel is in the works, so I have hope that it's not abandoned. I enjoy Burning Legacy's creative plot and the adorable us-against-the-world relationship between the kids, as well as the very cool premise. I'd criticise it's excessive use of Japanese, though. As a side note, I suspect that either this fic was inspired by Rise of the Uchiha  or vice-versa, since they share some remarkably similar plot elements. Thanks to u/OrdinaryRiceball for the recommendation!

and all the fire's at your fingertips  by PandaFlower [ONESHOT]

Tobirama is elbow deep in a stealth mission in Wind Country when he runs into a shinobi squad toting a stolen Uchiha child. Tobirama disapproves.

Pre-village story about Tobirama stumbling across a kidnapping in the middle of the Land of Wind and doing something about it. The kidnapping victim in question is Kagami Uchiha. Tobirama isn't exactly wild about his brother's plan to make nice with the Uchiha, but he reasons this will buy a lot of goodwill for the upcoming negotiations. Now he just has to keep himself and little Kagami alive on the long journey back to Fire, braving the elements and dodging the child-thieving ninjas who want a Sharingan of their own. Great little character piece and world builder about Tobirama and the world he inhabits. (blurb by u/Balkinbalkans)

Rokudaime  by Eilyfe [COMPLETE]

A home, a wife, a child: despite serving in a decade-long conflict, Naruto has carved out his own piece of happiness. Yet when the Godaime gives him an order he can't refuse and makes him a leader of men, the balance between his family and old dreams threatens to be upended. The crucible of war is harsh, and in Grass a Hokage is forged. [AU]

The strong point in Rokudaime is, as always for Eilyfe, the setting. Eilyfe's brutal realism, devoid of unnecessary edginess, is always a pleasure to read. The characterisation is also good fun, with Naruto and Shikamaru serving as the main characters. A small supporting cast of strong OCs is also present. My one complaint about Rokudaime is that the ending, while fine in principle, was a tad anticlimactic, and felt somewhat rushed. Other than that, it's an excellent, if somewhat short, fic.

Help Me to Open My Eyes  by MistressYin [CONTINUING]

Kakashi Hatake was pretty sure his new genin were going to be the death of him.

They were worth it, though.

This fic is the AU I never knew I needed. The main change is that Sasuke is a water-natured half-Uchiha born out of wedlock, and he consequently suffered a lifetime of abuse in Fugaku's household. So forget Sasuke the prideful avenger, and enter Sasuke the sweet but meek and PTSD-ridden genin. There are a lot more changes than that, though, including Hiruzen the tyrannical psychopath, Sakura's Inner the malicious split personality, and Kakashi the overworked anti-Third rebel. I particularly like this fic's characterisation of Sasuke. It's heartwarming seeing him slowly heal as he bonds with Team 7. It's a minor note, but I also like how this fic made the typical Japanised fic-speak like suffixes and "Konoha" instead of "Leaf" into an old-fashioned in-universe dialect spoken by certain clans. My one criticism is that the first half of the fic follows canon too closely. Once the fic properly splits, it's gold, but it got a bit boring reading about the bell test in excruciating detail with only minor changes. Also, the author has averaged ~300K words in 4 months. I am very impressed.

The Spring of the Plague  by Zenthisoror [COMPLETE]

When Konoha ninja return from investigating one of Orochimaru's laboratories, they bring back a devastating strain of chakra bacterium - Kimimaro's sickness developed into a bioweapon. As Naruto and his surviving friends struggle to live in Plague-stricken Konoha, Madara plots, an anti-ninja cult demands repentance, and, in the midst of it all, Sasuke seeks a perfect revenge.

Honestly, I've never actually enjoyed The Spring of the Plague all that much - I've never actually been able to read through the whole thing. I just find it… boring. However, I honestly cannot say that there is anything technically wrong with it. The characterisation is excellent, the plot is well thought-out, and the worldbuilding is completely fine. I also know that it's one of the Classics TM , like Matters, Secrets, and Times  or Shinobi: Team 7 (both are on this list), and that the vast majority of people who read this fic fall in love with it. So, against my personal preference, it has (probably) earned its place on this list.

Spire  by dakeyras [CONTINUING]

Naruto's angry, Sasuke's sad, Kakashi's an alcoholic, and Sakura doesn't give a shit anymore. This wasn't what they'd expected from Ninja life, but as Konoha's enemies gather, there's no time for regrets. A strong Team Seven AU with a mystery time-traveller.

I suppose that this is technically a time-travel fic, but the time-travel part of it plays a tiny role in the story so far. Instead, it's a Team 7 genfic where all four members are substantially more fucked-up than they were in canon. I'll always have a soft spot for fics about ragtag Team 7 misfits growing stronger together, and Spire is a solid example of the genre. Its worldbuilding is similar to Shinobi: Team 7  or In Fire Forged,  in that it presents a grittier world with a combat focus on tactics rather than flashy jutsu. Just all-round a great read, and one of the very few good Team 7 genfics that's still regularly updating.

Kill Your Heroes  by Evil Is A Relative Term [CONTINUING]

It's time to stop waiting for other people to save you. A story about fear, resilience, and Sakura.

Seriously debating whether this is a For Want of a Nail or a full AU, and eventually decided to put it here. Kill Your Heroes is a Sakura-centric coming of age story. While the author sticks to canon wherever possible, her interpretations of it are both unique and plausible, and clearly demonstrate that she has done real research into feudal Japanese cultures and societies. A good example is that she presents the Uchiha Massacre as an example of a particular punishment carried out in ancient China, a legitimate execution rather than a clandestine attack. The fic's character work is also a pleasure to read. My criticisms would be that the prose is occasionally hard to read, as I find my eyes skipping to the bottom of the page, and even major fight scenes tend to be too short and easy for real gratification.

The Soul Mate Phenomenon (is ruining my life) by Tozette [ABANDONED?]

Sakura learns why so many ninja hope never to have a soul mate.

While Tozette is best known for the incredible Dirt and Ashes (which I just realised I forgot to add to this list before now!), I'm also surprisingly fond of The Soul Mate Phenomenon. This short fic is most assuredly not a romance. Instead, immediately after Wave, Sakura gains a soulmate and finds that he is a mysterious but powerful missing-nin who refuses to give his name. The fic follows Sakura's descent as her conversations with her soulmate slowly lead her to become increasingly cold and ruthless. This particular soulmate!AU operates off the premise that when a person writes on their body, the same words appear on their soulmate, allowing them to have conversations across vast distances - often, without ever having seen each other in person. (I found it both very clever and very funny that this particular phenomenon is regularly used as an infiltration tool. Trust the Naruto world to weaponise soulmates.)

the boy and the fox  by cyan96 [SERIES, ABANDONED]

In a universe where Namikaze Minato died unable to summon the Shinigami, Uzumaki Kushina, in a last-ditch containment effort, seals Kurama's ying into a container made from her own blood and chakra. The Saidaime picks up two newborns in the wreckage of October tenth, unknowing one of them is quite literally the Kyuubi wearing an infant's face. Fortunately, nobody knows about Kurama's dilemma but Kurama. Unfortunately, he's stuck, both in Kushina's two-second slap-dash should-not-exist human shell, and with Uzumaki Naruto, who is possibly the most annoying being in Kurama's two thousand years of existence.

He is not pleased.

What Kurama really wants to do is get the hell out of dodge, return to being a giant demon-fox, and then blast all five ninja villages and their smaller derivatives out of the map. This is a much more difficult task than originally thought.

  1. Kurama  [COMPLETE] Namikaze Minato makes a mistake. Uzumaki Kushina makes a choice. Naruto ends up growing up with a red haired, foul tempered older brother who wants Konoha to be atomized, preferably yesterday.

Kurama's canon character is little more than a blank canvas; aside from a generally abrasive attitude, Kishimoto didn't give him all that much of a personality. Cyan96 takes that as an opportunity to write a Kurama-centric fic, and give everyone's favourite fox a personality. Kurama has feelings, a moral code, literary tastes, and a personal history that goes far beyond "and then humans enslaved him." The plot is simple and slow-moving, allowing the author to focus on the real point of the fic - Kurama's character and its subsequent development. Thanks to u/aMiserable_creature  for the rec!

komorebi by tomorrowsrain  [SERIES, CONTINUING]

Komorebi (n) - sunlight filtering through the trees.

  1. kintsukuroi  [MULTICHAPTER, COMPLETE]

In which Kakashi and Obito survive the Kyuubi attack, get exiled from Konoha, learn how to survive, and still manage to become legends along the way.

(The bratty genin are unexpected, though.)

  1. ikigai  [ONESHOT]

Or: How To Let Go of a Revenge Vow in 42 Easy Steps, by Uchiha Sasuke.

(Wildly AU.)

  1. yoisho [ONESHOT]

"In my defense," Obito says from his precarious position on a rock in the middle of a wide, rushing river. "I didn't know about the poisonous fish."

"It's Swamp Country," Sasuke grumbles from two rocks over. "Everything's poisonous."

(Or snapshots of Team 7's year on the road. AU.)


Team 7 returns to Konoha to participate in the Chuunin Exams. Konoha is not remotely prepared.

(Meanwhile, dangerous forces stir in the shadows and everything is about to change.)

The basic premise is that Kakashi and Obito are exiled from Konoha after the Kyuubi Attack, meet Team 7 in Wave and become their sensei with Hiruzen's permission. The grammar and writing are good (but not stunningly excellent). Where this fic really shines is in its character development. Tomorrowsrain puts their characters in situations wildly different from canon (e.g. Sasuke encountering another living Uchiha), but the way the characters respond to these situations feels true to their characters and personalities. I'm particularly a fan of the Sasuke-centric fic ikigai, where tomorrowsrain's character writing really shines. My one criticism would be that the KakaObi, while excellently and subtly done in all other fics, feels a bit over-the-top in the first few chapters of kintsukuroi.

Naruto: Great Clan Days  by Kenchi618 [CONTINUING]

Senju Hashirama's dream to unify all of the warring clans of his country under one village remained just that; a dream. Generations later, the ninja world still consists of pure clan affiliation. Enacting peace through understanding has fallen to the side. A catalyst is needed for any kind of change to occur, and it is all found in a little boy... for better or for worse. AU.

Ah, the ever-controversial Kenchi. Whatever your opinion on his other works, I feel that Great Clan Days absolutely deserves its place on this list. The premise is as unique as it is ambitious - the Warring States era never ended. This, naturally, requires a ridiculous amount of worldbuilding to pull off, since we know basically nothing about the world in that period of Naruto lore. Kenchi pulls this off with aplomb, going into detail about the social, military and political structures of the clans and their interactions. Established characters make their appearances, and each of their roles in the new setting make sense.

Team Seven: Shinobi at War  by Wikibeats [ABANDONED]

Uchiha Sasuke has secrets. Uzumaki Naruto is the Kyuubi reborn. Haruno Sakura might just be the Child of Prophecy. Hatake Kakashi loves porn. Follow these four as they navigate a world where death lurks around every corner, sex is a weapon, and everyone and everything is a means to an end in a massive political war game. AU. M for a reason.

Dark. Very dark. The summary (the first part of it, at least) actually has little to do with the fic itself. The premise is that Team 7 are pawns in the political machinations between the Hidden Villages, being given six months of intense training before the chunin exams in Cloud, where they will be tasked with demonstrating Leaf's power by killing a large number of foreign ninja (and likely instigating war). Expect BrutalANBUCaptain!Kakashi rather than QuirkyButLovableSensei!Kakashi. Expect gore, death, slavery, and (genjutsu) rape to make their appearances. Bonus points for Sakura vs Mizuki being one of the best fight scenes I've seen in fanfiction. More of a personal favourite of mine than an objective masterpiece, YMMV.

It's Just That Any One of Us Is Half Without Another One Is You by Branch [COMPLETE]

An AU in which all the character development of part one gets its due: Kakashi finds another way, Sasuke does not leave the Leaf, Itachi remains a villain, no one is a carbon copy of a previous generation, Sakura grows up to be terrifying, Sasuke finds his way back to family, and Naruto wins all hearts. Featuring Team Seven fluff, filling in the time-skip, and a rather different second half. Drama, Angst, Romance, Fluff, Action, Occasional Porn.

If there was an award for the most convoluted title in Naruto fanfiction, it would certainly be going to this fic. This is a major AU (note that it was written in 2011), with many significant aspects of canon changed. It opens with Kakashi's speech to Sasuke after the Search for Tsunade arc, and ends with the end of the series. I'm mostly a fan of Sasuke's character development, and some of the highly unusual, but still logical, changes that the author decides to make. Be aware that Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke have a sexual thing going on from about halfway through the story, but there's only one real sex scene that can be easily skipped. Other oneshots which run parallel to this fic can be found in the author's series Avalanche .

An Unexpected Homecoming  by Chrononautical [COMPLETE]

The Reaper dies and those who were sealed alive are released.

Minato-centric. The premise of this fic is that Minato is revived shortly after the end of Part 1. I like the focus on Minato's trauma, as the fic acknowledges that anyone who spent 13 years in isolated torment wouldn't be OK in the head afterwards. I also appreciate the balance the author reaches with keeping Minato respectably powerful while not making him ridiculously OP. Seeing Naruto struggle with the expectations of a father/son relationship is also realistic. Finally, the fact that Minato has to work for Naruto's forgiveness is a refreshing change of pace. My only real issue with the fic is that Itachi does some morally dubious things to Sasuke near the end of the fic, and all the other characters seem to… approve? Beyond that, it's an excellent story.

Birth of a Ninja  by Captain Enigma [ABANDONED]

What does it mean to be a ninja? This is the question that guides Uzumaki Naruto through his life as a shinobi of Konoha. Along that path, witness as he meets friends, fights evil, and keeps his eyes fixed on the ultimate dream… [AU beginning at the bell test, where differences in Team 7's choices lead Kakashi to take their training more seriously.]

Team 7 coming-of-age stories told in a (only slightly) more realistic Naruto world tend to be some of the most popular fanfictions out there, so here's another one. Birth of a Ninja doesn't quite measure up to similar fics like One Eye, Full of Wisdom or Team 7's Ascension, but it's an engaging and enjoyable read nonetheless. The writing, characters, worldbuilding and fight scenes are all quite good, and I don't see any substantial flaws in the fic. Birth of a Ninja is an all-round good read to get your genfic fix. Thanks to u/MeianArata for the rec!

A Woman's Honour; A Kunoichi's Heart  by darkseraphina [27000 WORD ONESHOT]

A woman's honour is different than a man's; men seek to cleanse their honour with blood, while any woman can tell you that it's hard work that removes stains.

A kunoichi's heart is strong and enduring; it bruises where a shinobi's breaks.

Hatake Sakumo was a woman, not a man; her daughter Kakashi is the Silver Wolf, the legacy of the White Fang.

The only genderbending fic I've ever enjoyed, and the only one where I felt the genderbending actually added anything to the story. This is a fem!Kakashi-centric fic, following her from when she was an infant to the aftermath of the Kyuubi Attack. It mostly looks at sexism in the Narutoverse, which is an interesting piece of worldbuilding that some fics touch on but few really explore. It's also largely a fix-it fic, as many tragedies of canon Kakashi's life are avoided in this. Warning for egregious and unnecessary use of Japanese. Less a gold standard and more a recommendation.

survival of the fittest  by cywscross [25000 WORD ONESHOT]

Sakura is thirteen, still a Genin, lost in the middle of Earth Country, lugging an unconscious Chuunin around, and so far beyond scared that she's moved right on to pissed off.

Shikamaru and Sakura get teleported into Earth Country and what may well be the start of an international incident after Naruto tinkers with a seal he doesn't understand. Genin Sakura, who is still nursing a bruised ego and broken heart after her lackluster performance in the Chuunin Exams and Sasuke's defection, has to step up in a big way and look after an injured Shikamaru as she half-carries, half-drags him back to friendlier territory. The tense experience gives the two a lot of opportunities to sit and think and talk. Great little character study and on-the-run thriller similar to the story above. (blurb by u/Balkinbalkans, thanks to him for the recommendation as well!)

what you see is what you get, so look away  by Dovey [ONESHOT]

a warmup piece i wrote trying to make a Kakashi who's not so oblivious.

Don't believe the summary, this fic isn't really about Kakashi at all. This short oneshot is a character study of Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura. I particularly like the author's take on Naruto. This fic is short enough that I don't have much more to say about it. Thanks to u/charrari for the recommendation!

Not ANBU  by nom-de-betaille [ABANDONED]

Once ANBU, always ANBU, and Kakashi embodied that more than anyone else. Now he's been tasked with training three green cadets, to mold as he sees fit. He better hurry. Five cutthroat nations stand with knives at each other's backs and unknown to them all is the tinder beneath their feet, waiting for a single ember to ignite the flames of war. AU

A pretty standard Team 7-centric coming-of-age fic set in a more expansive, military-minded Narutoverse. Not ANBU isn't the best of its niche, but it's a fun read that I recommend to anyone with a craving for more fics like Team 7's Ascension: Blood Wings or In Fire Forged. Bonus points for fleshing out Konoha's military structure and the clear thought the author put into how shinobi abilities would affect conventional military strategy. Minus points for egregious unexplained Japanese and a bit of grimdark in the last chapter. Thanks to u/DynMaxBlaze for the recommendation!

Speculative Fanfiction:

No changes are made to the original canon. Instead, the story is set during periods or events about which little or nothing is known, and the author speculates as to what happened at these points in the timeline. Honestly, I only made this category because Kazusa Densetsu doesn't fit anywhere else.

Kazusa Densetsu by ProfesserPalmarosa [COMPLETE]

As soon as Hashirama's body is laid to rest, the race for the Hokage seat begins. Friendships dissolve, good men die far from honorable deaths, conspiracies abound, and it leaves everyone wondering: will Konoha even survive this mess? If so, there's no guarantee it will even be the same place when it's all over…

A cloak-and-dagger political thriller exploring the race to become Nidaime after the death of Hashirama. A tale of alliances, scheming and betrayals, in which information is far more powerful than any jutsu and there is no such thing as "natural causes." Naturally, the cast is comprised mostly of OCs or characters that were named but never developed. While I am generally quickly bored by OC-heavy fics (if I wanted to read about original characters, I'd pick up a real novel), ProfessorPalmarosa crafts them masterfully, and I honestly found myself rooting for one of the OC candidates to win the hat. Kazusa Densetsu has a kind-of sequel called Vines  that features Fugaku as the main character, which I honestly haven't read yet.

The ways of him who holds the blade by Dissenter [CONTINUING]

In the quiet hours between midnight and dawn, who's to know or care if Senju Tobirama is sharing drinks with ghosts.

A rather depressing Tobirama-centric character study of the Founding-era characters, and the second Dissenter fic on this list. Interestingly, this fic seriously questions whether founding the Villages was a good idea in the first place. This fic isn't heavy on plot, but rather is a series of semi-connected scenes set in a just-founded Konoha. "Why we build the wall" (listed in the For Want Of A Nail section) is technically grouped with this fic into a series called Dare to raise the traitor hope , but from what I gather they're not connected at all, so for now I'll keep the separate listing.

The Bear Incident  by mirrorless [ONESHOT]

"A spy," Tobirama repeats slowly, ignoring the unsettled murmurs of the adults around him. "That is indeed a heavy accusation to make. One that, if proven true, leads to even weightier consequences."

The Uchiha child at his feet is trembling so hard that his clenched teeth are chattering with fear.

Don't believe the summary, this is a cute feel-good fic. I particularly appreciate how this fic lampshades the common reduction of Tobirama to little more than an Uchiha-hating warhawk. There's not much to say about the plot, given that it's a oneshot, but the characterisation is solid, the worldbuilding is completely believable for canon and it's solidly well-written. An all-round good read. Thanks to u/OrdinaryRiceball for the rec!

Shrub Ninjas by elumish [ONESHOT]

Naruto is five when he first notices the shrub ninjas.

Just a cute onsehot about Naruto's relationship with his ANBU guards - or, as he knows them, his shrub ninjas. There's no plot to speak of, just rot-your-teeth cuteness with a heartwarming ending.

Team Seven  by Whispering Darkness [ONESHOT]

Kakashi wanted to grab those little brats and wrap them all up in blankets, dump them somewhere soft and fluffy and summon his dogs to guard them and sit on them and keep them there. Then he could relax, read his book and listen to the most creative curses and rants his cute little students could come up with. Vignette. Because Wave should have been enough of a wake-up call.

Team Seven is a short fic that covers the Wave Arc through Kakashi's eyes. It's mostly about his relationships with Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke. The prose has a melancholy tone that I quite like. I suppose that the last line means it may not technically be canon-compliant, but it's close enough that it fits here.


Stands for "Self-Insert, Original Character". The basic premise is that the protagonist (the author) comes from the real world, and somehow got reincarnated or otherwise transported to the Narutoverse. Frankly, the humble SI-OC is infamous for being bad. However, Sturgeon's Law applies, and there are a few true gems under the piles of shit. Readers of this section may also be interested in u/Astyoche's Long-Ass SI/OC Naruto Fanfiction List.

Dreaming of Sunshine by Silver Queen [ABANDONED]

Life as a ninja. It starts with confusion and terror and doesn't get any better from there. OC Self-insert. No pairings.

The protagonist is born as Shikamaru's twin sister. As the most-reviewed Naruto fic on, there was no way I could not list DoS. At ~700 000 words, it's insanely long - for reference, that's 65% the length of the entire Harry Potter series. It follows the Naruto series arc-to-arc, including filler arcs. Each individual chapter is beautifully written, and the sheer length of it allows the author to develop abilities, relationships etc slowly and realistically. Sardonic humour is also employed to great effect.

My only criticism is that the long-term pacing suffers from the length, as the reader is expected to remember details that happened literal dozens of chapters ago, with no refreshers. The tone and pacing of this fic remind me strongly of canon, for reasons I can't quite explain. Since it's a huge time commitment to read, I recommend reading chapter 131  (my personal favourite) and seeing if you like it. The only context you need to understand the chapter is that the protagonist just attempted to disable a Jashinist seal to save a city, but screwed up and the city was obliterated anyway. Thanks to u/red_000 for informing me that Dreaming of Sunshine is sadly now on an indefinite hiatus.

Sanitize by Sage Thrasher [ CONTINUING ]

Basic medicine and sanitation are simple. During the Warring Clans era, they become revolutionary. [OC-Insert]

Sage Thrasher is one of the few authors to have multiple fics on this list, and for good reason. Sanitize is Sage Thrasher's best-known fic, and is extremely unusual in one regard - there is a very strong implication that the protagonist has never watched, read or heard of Naruto. She's also a civilian peasant. The fic follows her career as a healer in a village that lies between Uchiha and Senju territory, as she applies both her modern knowledge and modern morals to the archaic Warring Clans period. Brilliant worldbuilding and excellent prose are this fic's standout points, aside from its unusual premise.

Paradise Found  by hayatin [ABANDONED]

When a young woman is reborn into a universe that's supposed to be fictional, she does what any sane person ought to - she chooses the peace of civilian life. But the cost of peace in this terrifying new world is a price paid in blood. [SI with a civilian twist and ripple effect]

I can't believe I'd never read this fic before now! Want a gritty cloak-and-dagger political thriller? Want an insanely creative fic that looks at established SI-OC tropes, says "fuck that," and does its own thing? Want a slow-burn, realistic romance? Want sugary-sweet slice of life showing young Naruto getting the love he deserves? Read Paradise Found. This fic has a legitimately amazing twist in chapter 3 that I'm reasonably sure you won't be expecting, and features the everybody-wants-it-but-nobody-writes-it tropes of Hokage Danzo and an actual 4th Great War during Part I. An amazing SI-OC that I highly recommend to anyone, even people who aren't necessarily fans of the genre, since the protagonist's future knowledge isn't a big part of the fic.

Mind the Gap  by Sage Thrasher [ABANDONED?]

A psychiatrist is reborn—and promptly diagnoses the Naruto world as clinically insane. [OC-Insert]

The other Sage Thrasher fic on this list! As the summary suggests, the protagonist is a psychiatrist from the real world, who is desperately trying to keep her doctor's oath to "do no harm". However, she is left with no real choice but to become a shinobi and a killer. I love this fic for its chilling depiction of the Hidden Leaf as a brutal military state, which uses economic manipulation to basically force poorer parents to send their children to the Academy, and through constant propaganda brainwashes children from a young age.

Pulling the Strings  by Hubris Plus [ABANDONED]

Being a ninja is hard enough when you work for the good guys, let alone when you get reincarnated into a family of psychopaths. SI

Featuring the rare male SI-OC, the protagonist is reincarnated as Kankuro. The story follows his self-imposed mission to be a good brother to Gaara, despite the Kazekage's attempts to keep them seperate. This fic is also unusual in that the entirety of the story takes place when the characters are young children. Both heartwarming and bittersweet to read.

To Kill a Bull  by Discoabc [ABANDONED?]

"At least the other clan kids of the series had something to protect themselves with practically from birth. Sakura was blessed with the oh so helpful gift of a larger than average forehead." The remedy is often worse than the disease it cures. I refused to be that remedy. OC-insert as Sakura Semi-AU

The main distinguishing feature of this fic is the protagonist's absolute terror at… well, basically everything that happens in canon. Beyond that, it's just a generally good SI-OC with all the elements I like - excellent writing, worldbuilding, a political Leaf and a darker tone than the original series (without trying to be edgy). The author also manages to take the Wave and Chunin Exams arcs in unique directions resembling nothing I've seen before - a rare feat, considering the sheer number of fics that have covered these arcs. The Orochimaru chase in the Forest of Death and Kakashi's solution to defeating Zabuza are particularly fun.

Reincarnation Roulette  by Silver Queen [ONESHOTS]

Sometimes you get lucky. Sometimes you don't.

While Silver Queen's most well-known fic is easily Dreaming of Sunshine, I'm also unusually fond of Reincarnation Roulette, which is a series of SI/OC oneshots. Each chapter stands alone, with the protagonist being reincarnated in different places at different points in the timeline. I particularly like the fifth entry in this series, Ten Thousand Shooting Stars, which follows a Branch Hyuga girl at the time Konoha was founded.

The Medic-Nin's Guide to Casual Revolution  by spideywhiteys [CONTINUING]

Aikawa Toshiro has lived a life before this one, and he's gotta say, even his previous healthcare system wasn't as bad as the absolute metaphorical SHACK it was here. After being a child soldier (not great, wouldn't recommend) in a war that took far more than it gave, he's decided to do something about it. Life beget change, and if Konoha was so frequently likened to a tree, shouldn't it be expected to grow?

Then there's Inu.

The fic is better than the summary, don't worry. This is probably the youngest fic on the list, being published a month ago at the time of writing, and has so far managed an astonishing update rate of one chapter every three days or so. Featuring a rare male SI, who is around Shisui's age, this is a politically-focussed fix-it fic. I appreciate how this fic skips over the protagonist's childhood and has almost no combat. The protagonist isn't OP in either combat ability or political influence. I also like how most of the problems that initially catch the protagonist's eye are mundane things that have nothing to do with canon - he's originally more concerned about the hospital needing a renovation than any grand schemes involving Danzo, and he only gets embroiled in the murkier stuff as a natural consequence of his campaigns escalating.

White Lie  by Audi Canticum [CONTINUING]

No summary

Published on a forum of all things, for some godforsaken reason. At least there's a directory of the chapters at the top of the thread. White Lie is well-written, and doesn't waste time trying to rehash canon or give OCs long and tragic backstories. It's a very to-the-point story, which I appreciate. It's too short as of yet to say anything substantial about the plot, but it's an enjoyable read.

What Doesn't Kill You  by Zbluez [ABANDONED?]

...Oh wait, it did. Semi-SI.

Impressively enough, this fic manages to have three OC characters in the main cast and makes it work. The two non-protagonist OCs are creative, lovable and receive real development. The author also makes use of very minor canon characters, with Shikaku featuring as a major character. Political games, manipulation and so on feature quite prevalently in this fic. My only complaint is that the protagonist has quite an unlikeable personality.

In Sound Judgement  by NegativeAperture [CONTINUING]

The main question, she thinks, isn't her chance at survival or whether she'll stick to the plot. No, it's whether she should change the flawed system that thrives off war and child soldiers. Arguably, she's in the best position to fix it. People are certainly more willing to listen to you when you threaten them with the giant fox demon in your gut. But what would the cost be? Her morals? Her humanity?

The road to hell is paved with good intentions after all.

(In which a human rights lawyer is reincarnated into a world without morality, without logic, and most of all, without laws. Helping the world was easier when people weren't ninjas.)

There are plenty of fics that address how reprehensible the entire ninja system is, but In Sound Judgement is the only one I've seen that makes this the entire point of the fic. I like Nana's character, along with the cool premise and strong writing. It's too short to comment much on the plot as of yet. I think Kurama was swayed to Nana's side a tad too quickly to be realistic, but beyond that it's an excellent read.


One or more characters are sent either backwards or forwards in time. These fics normally explore the characters' attempts to avoid the tragedies of canon, and their successes and failures in doing so. A genre I'm not personally fond of, so don't expect this section to be too extensive.

Retrograde Motion by Crunchysunrises [CONTINUING]

From sixteen to eleven didn't feel like a big jump until she realized that she was now the best ninja in their class. And that tiny Sasuke hates her for it.

An AU fic with a fun characterisation of competent!Sakura. One of the most interesting parts of the fic, which isn't mentioned in the summary, is the fic's actual premise: after Sasuke's death, a mad Itachi decides to attempt time-travel. However, the jutsu kills the caster, so he cannot send himself back. Instead, he sends Sakura, using a compulsion technique on her beforehand to force her to protect Sasuke. The fic has a great characterisation of Sakura as somebody competent and mature. It also has excellent worldbuilding, in terms of politics, culture and how jutsu actually work. Plenty of humour - it's quite a light fic. Just a warning: Mokuton!Sakura has been heavily foreshadowed for the past several chapters. I know a lot of people hate Mokuton!Sakura with a passion (although I like its execution in this fic), so here's your warning that it's present.

How To Save The World With No One Even Realizing by IncompleteSentanc (Erava) [COMPLETE]

Minato knows at the beginning of the week that it's going to be a hellish one. Mostly because it starts with the kidnapping of one of his two remaining students, only a year after they'd lost the first one. He just doesn't realize at the time that it's not going to be a hellish week - it's going to be hell for quite a bit longer than that.

It all starts with Rin's kidnapping, and her subsequent rescue at the hands of a mysteriously appearing, monstrously strong, murderously violent woman.

A woman with cotton candy pink hair.

It only devolves from there.

In which a few adult members of the K12 (naming them would be spoilers) go back in time from an AU where the world was destroyed. I won't give too many details, because figuring out exactly what's going on is half the fun of the fic. How To Save The World With No One Even Realising has a combination of humour, fun action and genuinely heartfelt emotional moments. The ending, in particular, makes you feel things. It has a sequel, How To Survive The Weirdest Experience Of Your Life , whichI didn't enjoy nearly as much as the original, but it's still a cut above your average fanfiction.

The First Shifting Grain  by Cadel [ABANDONED]

Sabaku no Gaara lands in the past to a time where everyone fears him and his father is still alive. He realises regaining everyone's trust will be difficult, especially when they still think he's a blood-thirsty psychopath. No pairing. Time Travel.

This fic's character work with Gaara is its main strong point. I always feel like canon did Gaara a disservice by offscreening his redemption - he went from hated and feared to loved and trusted over the timeskip, and we never got to see him work to see for the trust of his people. Taking a Gaara who has already worked incredibly hard to be trusted again, and throwing into a situation where he has to regain that trust again,  is a really interesting character study. Naturally, any fics set in Suna also require quite a bit of worldbuilding, which this fic does well.

Legacy Undone by LD 1449 [CONTINUING]

It was their last, desperate gambit. Their last hope. They pinned everything on a prayer that he could save them...and now...he's not even sure if he can make it count anymore.

A long'un, at 75 chapters at the time of writing. The power levels are massively toned down, and a much stronger focus than canon is placed on politics and the actual mechanics of warfare. A classic "Naruto goes back in time after Tobi/Pein/Madara/Kaguya wins," with a twist: he was sent to an alternate timeline (does that make this fic a combination of AU and time-travel?) A cohesive, coherent plot with elements clearly planned out in advance. Prose and OCs that are good but not notably excellent. Character development and plot are this fic's strong points, with the author utilising minor characters like Kurotsuchi to great aplomb.

Time Flows Like Ink  by GwendolynStacy [ABANDONED?]

After a fuinjutsu experiment gone wrong, Minato is yanked into a future where his family is dead, his team fell apart and the Uchiha were slaughtered. With the defective seal burning in his palm, Minato struggles to stay afloat in a Konoha that isn't his.

Time Flows Like Ink is a time-travel with two interesting twists Firstly, it features travel into the future rather than the past. Secondly, every few days/weeks Minato flips between times, and he gets to see how the things that he does in "real" time affect the "future" time when he next jumps. The only thing that remains constant in the "future" timeline is Minato's jumps - for example, if he jumps to the future in January, and again in February, the February world will be very different to the January one, but the characters in the February world will remember Minato appearing and then disappearing one month ago. This results in Minato essentially getting multiple attempts at changing the future through trial-and-error, and adds an interesting strategy element to the fic, has he can take people with him on jumps in both directions.

Lost on the road of life  by RavenShira [ABANDONED?]

Kakashi had everything well in hand. He had stepped down from his reign as Rokudaime Hokage, his porn collection was as well worn as should be and his free time was spend with either Gai's challenges or helping out on various tasks while trying to make it seem like he wasn't there to help out. Annoying the hell out of everyone that crosses his path was as easy as breathing – easier now that he didn't have to be polite and diplomatic about it anymore.

So what if he agreed to a teeny-tiny favour of his once student and now successor? Not even Naruto could mess up just scribbling down a fuinjutsu for Kakashi to check over before he got back to his own, very busy life.

… Right?

Or: The one where Kakashi travels back in time, thinks he can fix stuff but clearly gets in over his head.

A fun and well-written time-travel fic that neatly avoids the problem of overpowered protagonists that most time-travels seem to face. I like this fic's plot, it's engaging, suspenseful and makes sense. Bonus points for doing Danzo and The Council ™ as antagonists well. Unfortunately one thing that drags this fic down is the author's habit of repeating scenes or chapters from a different character's perspective - while the reader is often given relevant and interesting information about what the second character was doing at the time, having entire chapters where the plot doesn't progress sometimes makes the fic feel a bit stagnant.

the bridge that always burns behind us  by elumish [CONTINUING]

Well, Shikamaru thinks, that didn't go according to plan.

Because the summary gives zero information, I should probably tell you that this fic is a Shikamaru and Neji time-travel from during an alternate Fourth Great War back to when they were Academy students. Featuring Neji's emotional issues, Shikamaru's emotional issues and Shikaku really wishing his son was just a normal eight-year-old. My one complaint with the fic is how easily other characters accept that eight-year-old Shikamaru knows highly classified things and accept him into their scheming. I love Shikamaru and Neji's relationship, it's really well-written.

Feudal Princess Uchiha Sasuke  by Tozette [ABANDONED]

  1. The One Where Uchiha Sasuke Is A Feudal Princess  [ONESHOT]

Izuna looks curiously at him. "Of course. I know you don't know each other very well, but you are family. He wouldn't let them…" he eyes Sasuke "…do whatever is putting that expression on your face."

Sasuke gives him a long, blank look. The list of things Madara would do to his family, given the right motivation, is longer than Sasuke's remaining arm.

  1. Feudal Princess Sasuke - Slice of Life Addition  [ONESHOT]

Some slice of life stuff following on from the soulmate au prompt fic The One Where Uchiha Sasuke Is A Feudal Princess. If you haven't read that, this will confuse you. It begins as a direct sequel.

Sasuke isn't cut out for marriage.

Feudal Princess Uchiha Sasuke could also be put in the romance section, but since the series was abandoned before any actual romance happens, I figured that time-travel is more appropriate. It has possibly the most bizarre premise of any fic on this list: it is a soulmate AU in which Blank Period Sasuke is sent back in time to the Warring Clans era only to discover that Tobirama is his soul mate, at which point a political marriage between Sasuke and Tobirama is arranged, in order to secure peace between the Uchiha and the Senju. Sasuke isn't exactly a willing participant in the holy matrimony, but is initially too injured to escape, and later secures Tobirama's space-time expertise in returning to his own time in exchange for him co-operating with this arrangement for a year. It's generally well-written and the worldbuilding of the various clan compounds and customs is good fun.

The Hokage's Will by inukagome15 [ABANDONED]

Sometimes he wonders why he's still alive when so many others have fallen. When others deserve the chances that keep falling into his lap that he hasn't earned. But Kakashi has never been one to quit, not when so many lives depend on the choices he makes. At least he isn't alone in this. He does have the number one unpredictable shinobi on his side.

The Hokage's WIll is a pretty standard Fourth-Great-War-went-pear-shaped time-travel, with both Naruto and Kakashi as the travellers back to when Naruto was five. I appreciate that the author doesn't waste our time describing exactly how the Fourth Great War was lost: they know they're using a pretty standard trope, and they do us the courtesy of skipping over the pointless bits. I also appreciate the author's creative solution to avoiding OP characters. Not only does it do the job to keep the narrative balance, it makes plenty of sense in-universe and I don't think I've seen another fic do it. Naruto's character in this fic is also great. I appreciate how a lot of attention is placed on how he's affected by returning to pariah status.

Wolves of Fire Country by Midnite_Republic [ CONTINUING ]

Wave changed a lot about Team 7, but not enough to make them entirely functional. Also someone should have really reminded Kakashi to pay attention to that tiny part of his genius brain that recognises random patterns, before he called a rest stop on the way home on top of an old, decayed Uzushio travel seal with an over-chakra-charged Uzumaki.

And he thought the month of the Wave mission was long, now he's stuck with the team, in a place he never expected to have anything to do with, with no way back.

Maybe he should have paid more attention to history, or stayed in the academy long enough to have history classes.

Immediately post-Wave, the entirety of Team 7 get sent all the way back to the Warring Clans Era. I love this fic because it's very unusual (the Warring Clans Era doesn't appear much in the time travel genre, or fanfiction in general). I also greatly enjoy the worldbuilding, especially regarding the Hatake clan. All of the OCs so far have been necessary, well-created and necessary to the story.

Saving the World (On Accident and Through Other People) by xwannaflyx [COMPLETE]

  1. Saving the World (but Mostly Yourself)  [ONESHOT]

Kakashi's plan to save the world is something vaguely involving exposing Danzo's involvement in everything and stalking Orochimaru to make sure he can keep an eye on any potentially apocalyptic projects. His plan did NOT involve becoming the student of Orochimaru. (Also his plan kinda sucks and Sasuke may have had a point when he said he didn't have a plan.)

(Realistically he didn't have much of a plan and thank god for Tsunade because both Kakashi and Orochimaru are a hot mess)

  1. Stalking Is Not Love (But It's The Closest I Get)  [ONESHOT]

Tsunade puts her foot down (and through several floors) and Orochimaru reluctantly allows Kakashi to join Team Minato because apparently socialization is necessary for healthy development. No stalking is also good for healthy relationships but no one ever claimed that Orochimaru and Kakashi are healthy. Nonetheless, Kakashi is learning and growing and attempting to become a chuunin.

He adulted once. He could definitely do it again. Ish .

This is a short series that focuses on humour more than anything else. There's not much of a plot, or much worldbuilding, or particularly special characterisation, but Kakashi and Orochimaru utterly failing at normal human interaction while feeding off each others' bad habits is ridiculously funny.

Rebirth  by Oroburos69 [ONESHOT]

Kakashi dies. He wakes up to a second chance.

Rebirth is a bite-sized fic. There's nothing wrong with it, it's just short. I would have loved to read a continuation of this one, because honestly, Kakashi and his apprentice Sakura trying to muddle their way through diplomacy sounds hilarious. On that note, Rebirth's main strength is that it's quite funny. Beyond that, the prose is well-written and the characterisation and worldbuilding are nothing to complain about.


Self-explanatory title. Mostly oneshots. Expect to see the Matters, Secrets and Times series here even if it doesn't strictly fit.

The Matters, Secrets and Times series by Kraken's Ghost [SERIES, COMPLETE]

  1. Twenty Matters of Pride to Hyuuga Neji [ONESHOT]

All Hyuuga are proud. Neji measures his pride differently. First in 'Matters, Secrets, and Times.'

  1. Twenty Unknown Secrets of Maito Gai [ONESHOT]

Everyone has secrets. Gai is just good at keeping his. Second in 'Matters, Secrets, and Times.'

  1. Twenty Times Uzumaki Naruto Didn't Die [ONESHOT]

Over time, Naruto learns what it means to be Jinchuuriki. Final in 'Matters, Secrets, and Times.'

Kraken's Ghost has a distinctive matter-of-fact writing style that lends his fics a melancholic air. He/she was writing at around 2007-2009, so naturally expect massive deviations from Shippuden canon. Each one of these fics is an amazing character study on the named character, and beautifully, almost poetically written. My personal favourite is Twenty Times Uzumaki Naruto Didn't Die, but most people prefer Twenty Matters of Pride to Hyuuga Neji.

Ricochet  by Strix 4 [COMPLETE]

Sometimes it's easy to see the familiar in the faces around you. Sometimes it sucks to figure out why.

This fic starts out being absolutely hilarious, but after two chapters or so transitions into a heart-wrenchingly sad but also incredibly human character study of Naruto, Sasuke, Kakashi and Sai. The best word I can think of to describe the tone of this fic is "barren." The author skilfully crafts Team 7's characters, and the entire fic is essentially a study on just how broken each member of the team really is.

Solitude  by esama [SERIES; COMPLETE]

  1. Solitude, extended  [ONESHOT]

In which when ordered to kill his family, Itachi chose differently

  1. Solitude, continued  [ONESHOT]

In which Naruto takes charge

Huge thanks to u / TheVoteMote f or informing me that Solitude, extended has a sequel! This series mostly explores the relationship between Itachi and Naruto in a world where the Uchiha ruled Konoha for 10 years after the successful coup, before Itachi killed them due to atrocities they were planning. The characterisation of the two main characters is excellent, and the fic has a beautifully sombre tone.

The main thing going for this fic is how it handles the whole "Naruto seeing the world for the first time" thing (he has no memory of the outside world). Naruto's wonder and amazement and the beauty of the world, the overwhelming sensory input he's receiving, and his attempts to reconcile what he intellectually knows with what he's physically experiencing are all amazingly written.

Wisdom and Eternity  by Xenoglossy [ONESHOT]

Most people live their lives in a straight line, but they've all walked a circle with too many dead ends. Memories, regrets and the death of a friend. Sannin fic.

A character study of Jiraiya, Tsunade and Orochimaru; and their relationships with each other. It's heart-wrenchingly bittersweet. The fic is a short oneshot, comprised of four scenes. The first three each focus on one of the Sannin, and the fourth depicts their final meeting. Will leave you feeling empty and sad about how much of the awful stuff that happens in the Narutoverse is just a pointless waste of life and humanity.

Death of a Kage Bunshin  by Foxie-sama [ONESHOT]

Kage Bunshin no Jutsu was perfect in every way and form. It is only the human element of it that is inherently flawed.

A brief but poignant look at the psychological aspect of experiencing the memory of clones' deaths. It looks at what Naruto's willingness to experience death thousands of times, despite knowing exactly what's coming, says about his character, as well as the effects of his repeated shadow clone use on his psyche.

Sanctuary  by Orodruin [ONESHOT]

He ran as if the hounds of hell were at his ankles because they were: the Leaf's yellow-haired devil and his demonic child-warriors. The Rock Ninja are people, too. Rated for violence.

One of my very early favourites, whose existence I was only recently reminded of. Sanctuary is a oneshot from 2008 told from the perspective of a young Rock nin  who finds himself on the wrong side of one of Team Minato's missions. Fleeing, he claims the ancient right of sanctuary in a church, resulting in negotiations between Minato and the priests about whether the priests will expel the boy, or whether Minato will be forced to kill him on hallowed ground. Sanctuary is a short and sobering fic which reminds the reader that Konoha is not necessarily the good guy.

Five (or, a lot can change in a year)  by Karaii [FANCOMIC, CONTINUING]

This is a Kakashi-centric fan comic centering around the events that occurred when Kakashi was five years old, from his early graduation to his father's suicide. Please note that this is a story about a child soldier living in a world where being raised for war is commonplace, so there is a global content warning for this sort of child abuse, gore/violence, and death.

The only fancomic ("doujin"?) on this list, and for good reason. The quality of the art is excellent. Each character looks unique, and Karaii is excellent at showing emotion through posture and expression. The characterisation is what really makes Five stand out, as little is known about Kakashi's personality before Sakumo's suicide. Karaii interprets Kakashi as being an understandably arrogant child who buries his feelings about having killed people under flippant facade, and struggles to reconcile his feelings, and the actions of his father, with what he is told a Good Shinobi should think and do.

The worldbuilding is also amazing, as Karaii includes countless small details that explain or connect minor aspects of canon that were never really addressed (Why is Fugaku obsessed with Itachi being successful? Because he was Sakumo's student, and wants his son to beat Kakashi's records. And so on).

Also, 5-year-old Kakashi with a cleft lip is the cutest thing you've seen today, don't @ me

Don't Take Me Alive  by Winter Weatherman [ONESHOT]

Itachi knows who will understand.

A character study of Itachi and his reasons for committing the Massacre. Despite what the title implies, there is no suicide in the fic. I like this fic because the author writes Itachi as being fundamentally insane while avoiding depicting him as a generic, moustache-twirling villain. The fact that it only has 38 reviews is criminal. Thanks to u/SoupKitchen08 for the recommendation!

RED by Sherbet Mayhem [COMPLETE]

In a time where political decisions devastatingly affect the shape of their world, how will Sakura, Kakashi, Naruto and Sasuke endure the uncontrollable hardships thrust upon them? Discover RED; a dramatic exploration of history repeated. Wear a mask to hide yourself; let your past follow you like the shadow of your future; and cover your eyes. They determine the value of your life

Don't be put off by the odd summary or the modern!AU (does 1940s count as modern?). RED is good. Heavily, heavily inspired by The Book Thief, with no chakra or superpowers. Konoha (Nazi Germany) under the reign of brilliant orator Lord Orochimaru (Hitler) enacts genocide against Reds (Jews) whilst praising the Leaf race (so-called "Aryans").  Note that in this fic, the Uchiha are a Red family, but not all Reds are Uchiha. The story mostly follows Sasuke, Naruto, Sakura and Kakashi.

The writing style is quite poetic. Each chapter is interspersed with sections told from the perspective of Time, in which the reader is often directly addressed. The prose is very well-written. The plot is also excellent, with no plotholes, and was clearly entirely planned from the beginning. While it's not always easy to follow what's going on, when this occurs, it was obviously an intentional choice by the author. Furthermore, the characterisation keeps every character spot-on their canon personality whilst also providing them with plenty of realistic development. I confess that I've never read The Book Thief (so sue me), so I'm not sure how much of RED's goodness comes from the fic itself, and how much the fic is just riding on the coattails of its famous inspiration.

Beautiful Day by Narf-for-the-Garthoc [ONESHOT]

Naruto focuses on his last day as Hokage and the people who mean so much to him.

This fic details how Naruto spends what he knows is the last day of his life. Since it was written all the way back in 2006 , expect canon to go out the window. The authors beautiful depictions of Naruto's relationships with other characters and the Leaf itself make this fic stand out for me.

How to Commit Seppuku in Three Easy Steps  by kimi no vanilla [ONESHOT]

Tools You'll Need: A sharp object, an inescapable burden of shame, the experience of the worst failure you've ever committed in your life. Time to Complete: about 15 minutes. Results may vary.

A terribly sad character study of Sakumo as he commits suicide. The author uses a poetic writing style that elevates this fic from good to great. Not really much more to say - it's short, sweet and tragic.

The Art of Braiding  by crackshipshook [ONESHOT]

Sometimes, the little things make Itachi happy. Sometimes.

Somebody managed to make Itachi braiding his hair depressing. Somehow. This fic is a neat little character study of Itachi with a side of worldbuilding. It's a short fic, at only ~2000 words, so there's not much more to say about it. Thanks to u/SoupKitchen08 for the recommendation!

Sakura blossoms in April's showers  by Orlha [SERIES, CONTINUING]

  1. Early Summer Rain [COMPLETE]

Having parents doesn't always mean it's a good thing and just because scars can't be seen doesn't mean they don't exist. The Chuunin Exams leaves Sakura an orphan and she doesn't cry.

  1. Shadowy Fields of Autumn [CONTINUING]

It's one thing to be on a mission with Sensei as her safety net. When things go wrong on a seperate assignment, Sakura have to face her greatest fears and hope she can learn to swim faster than they can sink her. Meanwhile Kakashi realises that he's been trying to make up his incompetence by devoting his time training Sakura and he's never really forgiven himself.

In which Sakura's father abused her very, very badly. This series is set after the Konoha Crush arc, in which Sakura was orphaned. The fic follows Sakura's emotional recovery, mostly focussing on the (teacher/student or parent/child) relationship between Sakura and Kakashi. It has some very sad moments, but also some very uplifting ones, as Sakura slowly learns that Kakashi isn't going to abandon her, and Kakashi learns how to best support Sakura.

Playing Games  by Lucillia [COMPLETE]

Back before he started at the Academy, Naruto had a group of friends that he used to play with under the cover of darkness.

The premise here is that, bowing to pressure from Danzo, Hiruzen placed a young Naruto in the care of Kakashi's ANBU team, primarily for training. Unable to explain to such a young child the gravity of what they do, the team convinces little Naruto that they're only playing special games, and the "other team" plays dead when they lose a "game." The fic addresses Naruto's realisation of what's actually happening, and the subsequent fallout. Minus points for the fic thinking that a young Naruto in ANBU would survive for more than 5min, everything else is great.

Too Perfect  by mapplepie [ONESHOT]
Near Konoha there is a lake that Kakashi has fallen in. But it's not just a simple lake; it is a portal. It is a portal that transports Kakashi to a different realm - one that is calm, peaceful, and much much too perfect. Kakashi hates it.

I've never actually been sure whether or not this is fic portrays the Infinite Tsukuyomi or simply something like it. Either way, Kakashi finds himself trapped in a perfect, peaceful world. Kakashi's hopelessness and desperation in this fic is what made it stick with me.


Fics that are horrifying, not horrible. I hope that's clear.

He Had No Fingers by Gleam [COMPLETE]

The Ninetails cannot be contained. But it will take a human sacrifice, all the same.

Naruto is possessed by the Ninetails. Expect horror, both gruesome and absolutely chilling. This fic has a brilliant depiction of EldritchAbomination!Kyuubi, and is far and away the best horror Naruto fic out there. The author's depiction of Ninetails-possessed Naruto is brilliantly done; you're absolutely horrified by every sentence but at the same time can't tear your eyes away .

xenograph  by Misfit McCoward [ONESHOT]

AU in which Orochimaru stays in Konoha and needs some new help around the lab. Eight year old Sakura volunteers. This turns out to be a worse idea than she anticipated. (Mentor fic, but not... healthy mentorship...) Please read warnings.

Horror. Very much horror. If you're wondering, the warnings mentioned in the summary are (and I quote):

  • Human/animal experiments (including on children)
  • Nonconsensual surgery
  • Medical horror
  • Child soldiers
  • Body horror
  • Emotional manipulation (again, including of children)
  • Sakura being a child and not realising that what's happening around her isn't necessarily right.

If you ask me, all those warnings could be condensed into "Orochimaru is present," but whatever. There's something especially horrifying about seeing awful things through the eyes of a child (ever studied To Kill a Mockingbird in high school?), which is what makes xenograph  special. Very well-written, with an ambiguous ending. You can see Sakura's slow indoctrination throughout the fic, and the disconnect between how she describes what's happening and what the reader knows is actually going on is a special brand of creepy.

The Scorched Path  by romanescue [ONESHOT]

"Come revel in the woods with us," said the girl to the boy. The Herd has grown small, but they still hold to the old ways. The truth is visible to those who care to look. 70% Lovecraftian horror, 30% Naruto. One-shot.

A Sakura-centric fic in which the Tailed Beasts are Lovecratian gods, and the Harunos are cultists. Completely and utterly horrifying, with just the right mix of visceral gore and more abstract fucked-up-ness to create the peak horror experience. Don't read if you're a fan of happy endings.

Red Eyed Monster  by Loudest_Voice [COMPLETE]

That year's Chuunin Exams were a nightmare. Literally. One of the kids favored genjutsu.

Psychological horror fic, focussing on a 10-year-old Itachi and his crow summon in the second phase of the Chunin exams. As the fic progresses, Itachi's actions become steadily more disturbing, and it becomes increasingly clear to the reader that not only is the crow more powerful than Itachi himself, it has more control over Itachi than Itachi does over it. This is an AU fic, where it's implied that Itachi really was insane. The combination of Itachi's cute childishness, unwavering politeness and complete disregard for any moral or social boundaries - as well as the ever-present crow - create a truly disturbing picture. Short but powerful.


Again, title is self-explanatory.

I didn't sign up for this  by erimies [ABANDONED]

Time travel, the ultimate hoax to cheat in life and turn bad odds to your advantage. Or, it would be if Naruto had any idea what he was doing. Trying to save lives he holds dear, he somehow ended up as an international S-class criminal with a flee-on-sight order. Oops.

In which Naruto goes back in time, and realises that in-between the major events of history there's a lot of time in which he has absolutely nothing to do… except prank people mercilessly. The hilarity of this fic comes mostly from Naruto's pranks, and his interactions with others. The scene where he gets caught vandalising the Hyuuga estate is particularly good.

It's For a Good Cause, I Swear! by Sarah1281 [COMPLETE]

After receiving a time travel jutsu as payment for a mission, the original four members of Team 7 each get a chance to go back to one event in their life and change it. Surely they will use such an awesome power responsibly...right? Don't count on it.

In which every member of Team 7 unwittingly goes back to the same timeline (so, for example, when Naruto arrives at 8 years old, he's in a world where time-travelling!Kakashi has already been there for years). This creates a very large amount of confusion among our time-travelling heroes. Team 7's easy camaraderie and banter is what makes this fic so funny. Grammatical and spelling errors are an issue.

Interception  by WhyMustIWrite [ONESHOT]

Guarding the village gate is a boring job- until the most dire threat since Orochimaru threatens to infiltrate Konoha, using a beautifully innocuous disguise. Featuring Iruka, Kotetsu, and Kakashi :Warning: Please note the genre

A merciless parody of all the bad fanfiction tropes out there, particularly the horrors of a Mary Sue wish-fulfillment story. Featuring misspelled Japanese, excessive capitalisation, use of "the dolphin" to refer to Iruka, descriptions of eyes as "orbs," egregious author's notes in the body of the text, and, of course, Sapphire Rayne the OC, who is "the long lost daughter of Minato Namikaze, Kakashi Hatake's sister, Itachi Uchiha's cousin, Rock Lee's aunt, and Teuchi the ramen shop owner's step-niece-twice-removed." The author manages to blatantly mock all of these tropes in a single oneshot, and it's frankly hilarious.

If You Don't First Succeed...  by esama [ONESHOT]

Prompt by pumpkin-lith: Time travel fail ?

In which the classic protagonist of any time-travel fic - an OP sealmaster Naruto, whose own world has been destroyed - screws up a time-travel seal and finds himself dimension-hopping through the Hokage's office of many alternate universes and Hokage's. The various Hokages' reactions to Naruto's sudden appearances and rapid-fire explanations, and Naruto's reactions to the various Hokages, are what makes this fic very funny.

I Dream of Uzumaki  by GodSaveTheKings [ONESHOT]

Young Naruto discovers that the world is more dangerous than he could ever know, even in the places closest to him... except I've never seen a single episode of Naruto and know nothing about it.

I Dream of Uzumaki is a parody fic that, like Interception, pokes fun at common Naruto fanfiction tropes. I'm not sure if the author is serious about their claim that they've never watched Naruto, but regardless, they do an excellent job of mocking bad Naruto fics.

Connections by esama [ONESHOT]

In which first meetings aren't dramatics, there is almost an interrogation, and Mitarashi Anko has a certain way with words.

Esama clearly has a talent for funny time-travel-based oneshots, because here's a second one. In which Naruto is kind-of-arrested in a grocery store on suspicion of infiltration, doesn't see fit to give more than overly literal answers to questions asked, and thoroughly confuses everyone whose name isn't Uzumaki Naruto. It really picks up in the second half of the fic.

Branches  by To Mockingbird [COMPLETE]

Kakashi falls off a tree and lands in a different world. Literally. Now he's in a dimension where nothing makes sense—but he's used to that. Kakashi plans to wreak as much havoc as he can and find his way home . . . if he can.

The summary basically explains the premise. Kakashi finds himself in a massive, nonsensical AU. Expect a female Itachi whom everyone thinks Kakashi is dating, a jellyfish-themed Kisame and a female Rasa whom Minato is actually dating, among other things. The humour comes from both the changes and Kakashi's reaction to them.

Things To Do In The Elemental Nations When You're Dead  by JumpingJackFlash [CONTINUING]

Itachi's first glance tells him Kisame is genuinely relaxed, lounging at the low table with a nail clipper and a bottle of umeshu, so he can take his time studying the other person in the room: a skinny red-haired boy sprawled starfish-like on a futon, covers shoved aside and pillow soaked in drool, wearing nothing but — "Is that my underwear?"

"Well, mine would be too big," Kisame says reasonably. "No need to whisper, he's dead to the world."

"Mine should be too big as well." He's fourteen, not… whatever this boy is, eight or nine.

"Safety pins."

"Why do you have my underwear? What happened to his?" It's a silly thing to get stuck on, but he can't seem to let it go. His relationship with Kisame is not one that admits to underwear. There's a professional distance. This is outside his comfort zone.

A shaman boy from a Paleolithic tribe is sacrificed by his people to petition the gods for help. Instead of the afterlife, he wakes up in the Narutoverse near a highly amused Kisame. Once Itachi manages to convince him that (1) Kisame and Itachi are not gods, and, (2) the boy does not need to become Kisame's manservant in exchange for blessing his tribe, spontaneous adoption occurs and shenanigans ensue. 80% fluffy found family humour, 20% interesting lore tying mysticism and chakra together. Thanks to NegativeAperture (author of In Sound Judgement) for the rec!

Goal-Oriented  by Emerald Ashes [ONESHOT]

After defeating his evil older brother, Sasuke decides to return to Konoha and rebuild his clan...Why is everyone being so difficult about this? In which Sasuke completely missed the plot.

Sasuke being painfully oblivious but good-hearted is never not funny. His complete and utter ignorance of everything unrelated to his goal - including main characters' names, sexes and goals - combined with everybody else's disbelief makes for a pretty amusing dynamic. The negotiation scene with Hiashi is particularly good.

The Pissing a Rainbow series by mapplepie [SERIES]

  1. Pissing a Rainbow  [ONESHOT]

Part 1 of PaR. In which Naruto is pissing a rainbow, Sakura is quite possibly from the future, Sasuke is a horrible actor, and Kakashi is confused and utterly ignored. Crack-fic.

  1. Not Quite Pissing a Rainbow  [ONESHOT]

Part 2 and 3 of PaR. In which Naruto is not quite pissing a rainbow, Sakura is actually from the future, and Sasuke is still a horrible actor. As for Kakashi ... well, he'll get used to his new genin team. Eventually. (Part 3 summary inside, ch2)

Completely nonsensical crack, done in the best way. The summaries explain well enough on their own what you can expect.

Akatsuki Babysitter's Club  by beetlebee [COMPLETE]

Obito thought quickly. "They're part of a... club... for babysitters."                                "A club," said Kakashi, flat.                                                                        "Yep. A... babysitter's club."                                                                        "I see," said Kakashi, who clearly didn't see at all.                                                "Yeah, the clouds on the coats are supposed to be a soothing visual for kids?" Obito said, as he decided to dig himself deeper.                                                        "In red and black."                                                                                "Okay, the color scheme could maybe stand to be changed," Obito conceded. He heard Konan snort from underneath the table.                                                        He glanced briefly at Hidan, who was now shaking his shoulders, and the entire curtain, laughing at Obito.


(Kakashi decides to raise Naruto. The Akatsuki takes a new direction.)

The summary says it all, really. The Akatsuki move into Konoha to raise Naruto, while trying to keep their presence there secret. It is complete and utter crack in the best way.

S Rank Jutsu  by Ourliazo [ONESHOT] Kakashi's cute little genin demand a breathtaking jutsu in response to their horrific D ranks. He replies by trolling them (of course) but then Kakashi ... maybe takes the joke too far. In his defence, the One Thousand Years Of Death attack is actually quite terrifying.

A crackfic about Team 7 shoving their fingers up people's butts. The epic struggle against Zabuza? Solved by a finger to the butt. Orochimaru in the Forest of Death? Scared off by an attempted finger to the butt. It's very dumb humour, but I have crass tastes and fight me, it's funny.

The Best Laid Plans of Mice and Men  by Lucillia [ABANDONED]

When Naruto decides to skip past the Kage Bunshin and picks another jutsu to learn from the Forbidden Scroll, Madara - who'd dearly love to kill the brat - is left scrambling to salvage his plans.

This is the third Lucillia fic on the list, in which Naruto accidentally reanimates Madara in episode 1, and then completely fails to understand the enormity of what he's done - or who Madara is. Not a serious fic at all, so if you're looking for realism with your humour, you'll need to look elsewhere. However, the fic is astoundingly funny, pitting the sheer panic of Danzo, O'onoki and various other world leaders against Naruto's complete obliviousness as to what's actually going on.


//Let's start with introductions// Kakashi signs. //Likes, dislikes, dreams for the future.//

"Uchiha Sasuke," provides the moody Uchiha after a long, long pause. "My likes and dislikes are none of your business, and my dream is a kill a certain man."

//U-C-H-I-H-A S-A-S-U-K-E// Yamato spells, hands flashing through the rest. //What's his family sign again?//

Kakashi offers the name-sign for 'UCHIHA', to which Yamato adds 'YIKES'.

[Deaf!Kakashi AU. Team 7 starts a little differently].

In which Kakashi is deaf, and Yamato helps him interpret. This fic covers Team 7, Kakashi and Yamato meeting on the Academy roof. I would love for it to continue on to the bell test, but alas, it's just a short oneshot. I'm not sure if it technically counts as "humour," or if I should put it in the For Want of a Nail section instead, but it was certainly a fun read.

Team 7 vs. Paperwork by LullabyKnell  [SERIES, COMPLETE]

From the Legendary Sannin, to Jiraiya's genin team with Namikaze Minato, to Minato's genin team of Rin, Obito, and Kakashi... Team Seven can't manage to hand in normal paperwork. The genin are either completely oblivious or having fun with this, the jounin-sensei are one step away from ripping all their hair out, and the formidable order of desk-shinobi is not pleased with this. And then there's Team Kakashi.

  1. The Pre-Legendary Sannin vs. Paperwork  [ONESHOT] The part of being a jounin-sensei that no one talks about is having to handle genin paperwork. If Hiruzen had known that having genin would increase his piles of personal hell, then he would have jumped out the window before anyone could assign him any. Good god, goddamn preteens are the worst.
  2. Team Jiraiya vs. Paperwork  [ONESHOT] Even in the next generation, Team Seven still can't do their paperwork.Jiraiya knew he should have booked it when his sensei tried to warn him about paperwork and ended up cackling with distinctly evil laughter instead.
  3. Team Minato vs. Paperwork  [ONESHOT] Minato loves his team. He really does. It's just that Team Seven's legacy of being unable to hand in normal paperwork on time is strong in the new generation and it's awful. It's just so awful. And at this rate, he's going to become a hermit like his sensei.
  4. Team Kakashi vs. Paperwork  [ONESHOT] There's another Team Seven. After so many long years and failed teams, Kakashi has finally passed the fourth Team Seven in Konoha's commonly-known history after his own, his sensei's, and the Legendary Sannin themselves. Oh god, what was he even thinking? The finale to the Team Seven vs. Paperwork series.

This series details the specific ways in which every generation of Team 7 is completely unable to hand in their mission reports on time. I'm a particular fan of Minato's unnamed teammate, who insists on handing in her reports in the form of interpretive dance. The worldbuilding, though limited, is also hilarious (for example, the Uchiha going on strike, or a feud between the Academy staff and the desk ninja.)

Trials, Tribulations and Failings of a Dictator  by Limited_Edge [ABANDONED]

To get his do-gooder, wanna-be evil minion out of his hair, Madara ships Obito off to Kiri. What's the worse that could happen? (Madara, you poor, poor fool...)

OR: That one Obito redemption story that doesn't involve time travel, Rin's ghost, or any real involvement from Konoha.

A short fic in which Obito's support for the Moon's Eye Plan isn't enough to quash his do-gooder habits, exasperating Madara with his increasingly ridiculous justifications for how his humanitarian exploits are supposedly helping the Plan. Everything comes to a head when Obito is sent to Mist, which he promptly conquers and administers countless reforms, all in perfect triplicate.

Weaponry  by desolate butterfly [ONESHOT]

[A Team Seven crackfic] Kakashi eavesdrops on his adorable little students and overhears something that he really wishes he hadn't.

A quick oneshot full of innuendo and low-brow humour. There's not much to say here. This fic is funny to the part of me that's still twelve years old at heart. Don't come here looking for sophisticated comedy, but if you just want a giggle, then Weaponry is for you.

I'm Leaving You For The Yondaime!  by WaffleDogOfficial [ONESHOT]

"Minato got his first full view of the Hokage mountain. Immediately, his jaw dropped in horror while Kushina burst into laughter."

In which Minato suffers and Kushina is a bully.

A short and fun oneshot that lampshades how little resemblance there is between Minato's face on the Monument and Minato himself. The fic is mostly Minato being depressed about how ugly his mountain face while Kushina mocks him mercilessly. The scene where a visiting dignitary doesn't believe Minato is Hokage is particularly good.

Akatsuki Employee Handbook  by Lady Khali [COMPLETE]

A guide to all things Akatsuki, including our internal rules and regulations. Written by Akatsuki members, for Akatsuki members, and subject to approval by senior management: Pain and Madara. All edits are final. Dispute at your own risk.

A corporate-style handbook for Akatsuki members. Each chapter is written by an Akatsuki member, and revisions from other member/s are scattered throughout. Despite the highly unusual structure, the author manages to set up brilliant (and hilarious) character interactions through the revisions. With chapters such as "Dress Code", "Proper Hygiene" and "Appropriate Self-Expression", you can see how funny the author is able to make this. It might not be to your taste, but I personally really enjoyed it.

It's honestly very difficult to describe how Akatsuki Employee Handbook works, so here's an extract:

The Hyuga Conspiracy  by a 4chan user [NOT ACTUALLY A FANFICTION, COMPLETE]

A story by anon.

Uhhh… the thing is, this isn't actually a fanfiction, per se. Instead, it's a completely nonsensical "fan theory," postulating that Hiashi orchestrated the entire plot of Naruto in an effort to get Naruto and Hinata together, therefore recombining the Hyuga and Uzumaki bloodlines. It. Is. Hilarious. If you haven't read The Hyuga Conspiracy, you need to. I don't care that it's not a fanfiction. If you like funny fanfiction, you'll love The Hyuga Conspiracy.

Time MixUp by Lucillia [COMPLETE]

Four different people from four different time-lines travel to the past for various reasons, and end up in the same time-line upon which they wreak havoc. Follow the adventures of the "time traveling" Naruto, Kakashi, Jiraiya, and Tenzo.

Imma be honest, it's been a very long time since I read this one. As the summary says, the premise is that different characters from different timelines travel back in time, all landing in the same  timeline. None of them know that the others are time-travellers, and none of them know that the others are from wildly different timelines. Naturally, a lot of confusion and misunderstandings ensue. Similar in premise and genre to It's For a Good Cause, I Swear!  (see above), but not quite as good. Still a very fun read, with a surprisingly creative premise.


A romantic relationship is the central focus of these fics.

The Girl From Whirlpool by SilverShine [ABANDONED]

When Naruto's father met his mother, his only impression was that a village out there must have been missing its idiot. Minato/Kushina.

MinaKushi. This fic functions as both a MinaKushi romance fic and a coming-of-age story for Minato. It opens when Minato is 8, and is abandoned when they're both young adults. There are significant stretches of the fic where Kushina is not present, such as when he was deployed for two years in the Second Great War. I'm a fan of the worldbuilding (especially since this point on the timeline is so unknown!), and the realistic relationship development between Minato and Kushina. My only complaint is that it was abandoned, when it would have been so satisfying, if absolutely heartbreaking, for the story to continue up until their deaths.

He Makes Me Laugh  by PunkInuzuka [COMPLETE]

Temari was a harsh, clever woman, but she loved for simple reasons. [NaruTema]

Naruto x Temari. I'm starting to suspect that I have a bias towards completely bizarre ships. My favourite part of He Makes Me Laugh is the worldbuilding, as the fic really tackles the concept that different countries are.. well.. different countries, addressing the language and cultural barriers that would realistically exist between Naruto and Temari. The characterisation of the two is also great. I particularly liked the author's interpretation of Naruto, it felt very true to the essence of his character.

Necromancer by V-chan2k6 (likethedirection ) [COMPLETE]

Uchiha Sasuke was holding on to something. In one chance encounter, she brought it back to life.

SasuTen. Honestly not sure if this is technically a romance, or just a very romance-esque friendship fic. Either way, this fic tackles the highly unusual pairing of SasukexTenten, and somehow makes it work. The characterisation is this fic's strong point, for both Sasuke and Tenten. I also like how characters actually have to deal with the consequences of their actions. Every deviation from canon is reasonable and completely believable, just like the developments in Sasuke and Tenten's relationship. The fic ends as strongly as it started, not stumbling at the finish line as many others do.

A Snake In the Grass, a Wolf At the Door by blackkat [COMPLETE]

Orochimaru is on the edge of breaking when someone unexpected pulls him back to solid ground. When the time comes, he returns the favor.

Sakumo x Orochimaru. I honestly never thought that somebody would be able to convince me that it's possible to write SakumoxOrochimaru as a realistic, serious, well-developed romance, but here we are. Slash/yaoi/gay romance warning, obviously, if that's not your thing. I find that Orochimaru is one of the hardest Naruto characters to redeem in fanfiction, probably owing to his canon status as one of the few villains who didn't believe he was acting for the greater good. The only other fic I've seen do it this well is Legacy Undone. Blackkat's skill as a character writer shines here, as she not only manages to effectively redeem Orochimaru, she genuinely convinces me that Sakumo and Orochimaru are a possible couple. Even if you're not a big fan of romance fics, this fic is a brilliant character study of Orochimaru that I'd recommend to anyone.

These Bitter Weeds by katlou303 [ABANDONED]

Sakura begged Sasuke to take her with him when he was leaving Konoha. He said yes.

SasuSaku. I really wish this fic wasn't abandoned, it just kept getting better. I'm not normally a fan of Part 1 romances, but These Bitter Weeds was clearly gearing up to be a long, slow-burn romance with no actual romantic things happening until far in the future. As it stands, it's 8 chapters of Sakura deciding to better herself and developing a budding friendship with Sasuke. Don't be put off by the fact that Sakura is pretty pathetic in the beginning, and that her relationship with Sasuke is initially incredibly unhealthy, the entire point of the fic is about her fixing that.

As Is The Sea Marvelous  by blackkat [COMPLETE]

Tobirama is willing to give absolutely anything for Hashirama and his dream.

Tobirama x Madara. Here's another entry from blackkat, queen of the M/M rarepairs. After Tobirama mortally wounds Izuna, Hashirama is convinced that Madara will never accept peace because of what Tobirama's done. Tobirama decides to surrender himself to the Uchiha as a tit-for-tat to ensure that Hashirama's dream remains possible. After the first few chapters, it's a very light-hearted fic that mostly consists of banter and adorable small children. Don't worry, there is zero captor/captive romance, both parties wait until Tobirama becomes a diplomatic guest to start anything. It's a very funny fic that is mostly carried by the funny dialogue and, interestingly, Hashirama's characterisation.

Nepenthe by Renaerys [ONESHOT]

In a world where even the strongest convictions fall prey to doubt, they find precious time to forget that they are winning the race to the darkest depths of hell. Itachi. Konan. Pein.

Itachi x Konan. This fic stands out because of the characterisation of Konan. The author builds her up as a three-dimensional character while retaining her characteristic devotion to Pein's goals. The fight scene against Kokuo was also a surprising standout of the fic, considering that this is a romance. Thanks to u/SoupKitchen08 for the recommendation!

Fall In Love With Me (This Christmas)  by jinkandtherebels [ONESHOT]

Shisui fell in love because of a big, ugly Christmas sweater.

Shisui x Itachi. An unashamedly silly modern Christmas AU. Featuring: Itachi the giant dork, dates at a kiddies' reindeer petting zoo, the most hideous Christmas sweaters known to man and Sasuke the internet-famous Vine-er. Don't come here looking for intense drama, intricate plots or careful foreshadowing. It's a pick-me-up fic that's goofy and proud of it.

Dogs  by bizzylizzy [COMPLETE]

There were the Uchiha.

There were the Dogs: those Uchiha of disreputable age and intent under constant scrutiny of ANBU.

And then there were Itachi and Shisui.

Shisui x Itachi. Dogs is a depressing story of state-sponsored persecution and resulting mental illness. The premise is that the Uchiha Massacre occurred almost immediately after the Kyuubi Attack. Older Uchiha were killed, and the infants were adopted out to foster families. The children young enough to be innocent but old enough to remember (and hate) were "re-educated" and labelled Dogs: second-class citizens constantly monitored by ANBU and brutally punished for any sign of rebellion. Dogs is Shisui-centric and follows his and Itachi's budding romance against the backdrop of this persecution. It's not a fic that will make you happy, but it's well-written and Shisui's character is impressively three-dimensional.

Reluctant Fangirling and Other Seductions  by Madrigal-in-training [ONESHOT]

It was probably the strangest proposition he'd ever received. "I'm really sorry about this, but I've decided to become your fangirl." "My fangirl?" "Yes, and I think it's only fair to warn you beforehand." fem!Naruto, no Uchiha Massacre, Shisui x Naruko (An Ideal World Fic)

Fem!Naruto x Shisui. Done well. I'm honestly as surprised as I am impressed, but here we are. There's a good reason why the fic's secondary genre is Humour, and I enjoyed this fic more for how funny it is than the romance aspect of it. The premise is that a young Naruko believes that she needs to fangirl over somebody to fit in with the other girls, so she fakes having a crush on Shisui. Of course, over time, this then slowly develops into the real thing. A very funny fic that's technically romance rather than humour.


For the sugary-sweet fix-it fics where everything goes right.

Roots and Wings by ideaoforder [COMPLETE]

When Naruto is kidnapped from his orphanage at age three, Kakashi is so done with this shit. He gets Naruto back, tells the Hokage where to go (politely, because he isn't suicidal), and raises the boy himself. Or, you know, tries and is proud when there aren't too many explosions.

Then everybody starts to copy him and it's a whole thing.

Kakashi adopts Naruto, Gai adopts Sasuke and a few other traumatised kids also get new guardians. Featuring cute child shenanigans and everyone recovering from their respective mental issues. I know some people have strong feelings about KakaIru, so here's your fair warning that it's present .

Whiskers  by Alabaster Ink [ONESHOT]

Mama didn't have whiskers and Himawari was determined to find out where they went.

An adorable Blank Period oneshot about Naruto bonding with his kids over a hunt for Hinata's whiskers. Not much to say about this one, it's just really cute and makes you smile.

Adoption by Defenestration; or, A Family Can Be A Fox Demon, Its Jinchuuriki, and Three Dozen Highly-Trained Assassins by elumish [ONESHOT]

He will not be the ANBU who let the jinchuuriki plummet to his death out a fourth story window. Let that be another ANBU's legacy.

A wholesome and touching oneshot about the ANBU choosing to disobey their orders not to interact with Naruto, and instead collectively adopting him without Hiruzen's knowledge. Little-kid-Naruto-raised-in-ANBU fics normally go down the OP grimdark route, but don't worry, Adoption by Defenestration instead focuses on the surprisingly cute idea of a group of hardened killers trying to figure out how the hell to raise a child.

Home is Where Your Team Is  by Angelchexmex [SERIES, COMPLETE]

  1. Coming Home  [ONESHOT]

Kakashi isn't surprised that his little brats had made themselves at home in his apartment while he was gone, he was just a bit curious as to why.

  1. Wandering Home  [ONESHOT]

It's worse at night, when there's nothing to distract Sasuke from the gaping hole in his heart and the empty compound he lived in. So, when it got to be too much, Sasuke would go wandering Konoha until sunrise.

This time, however, he's got an unwelcome guest in the form of his sensei's dog, Pakkun. Which, of course, leads to his sensei...offering to let him sleep over? This was not how Sasuke had planned the night to go.

Fair warning, the second fic in this series really belongs in Tragedy/Melancholy rather than Wholesome, but I can't split up a series so here it is. This series is a short and cute series of oneshots about Team 7 all moving in together and helping each other overcome their various issues. The first fic is Kakashi-centric, the second is Sasuke-centric.


Why are there enough Naruto fanfiction whodunnits to warrant their own category? Why would anyone even write a Naruto fanfiction whodunnit? I have so many questions, but regardless, these fics are good, so you should read them.

Uneasy Lies the Head by Hiiraeth (V_eritas) [COMPLETE]

"Shikamaru," He began, trying to stay calm. "I'd like for you to get Sakura." Kakashi swallowed thickly and swayed on his feet. "Because I think I've just been poisoned."

It's been almost two years since the war and Konoha is at peace - Until an untouchable stranger shows up and nearly succeeds in assassinating Konoha's Sixth Hokage. With every sign pointing towards a dead man as the aggressor, Team 7 has to fight to keep their makeshift family intact as Konoha's past comes back to haunt them. [Team 7 & Kakashi-centric. Eventually canon-divergent.]

A political mystery set during the Blank Period, in which Kakashi and Team 7 find themselves up against an unknown enemy set on tearing Konoha apart from the inside. Like all good mysteries, the fun of this fic is to try and guess what will happen next before it actually happens. Hiiraeth gives the reader all the necessary information to guess whodunnit,  but it takes a particularly savvy reader to actually solve the mystery themselves. Uneasy Lies the Head has a sequel, Fool's Gold , that I haven't read.

In The Blood  by justplainrii [COMPLETE]

Almost 30 years after the end of the war, Sasuke discovers that a clone was made of his brother. He doesn't handle it well. Especially when other clones begin to surface, and all signs point to an old foe being responsible. A mystery.

Well, Dreaming of Sunshine has finally been dethroned as the longest fic on this list. At 174 chapters and 800 000 words, In The Blood is a mammoth read. [In The Blood has since lost this dubious honour to ANBU Legacy].  However, unlike Dreaming of Sunshine, each arc feels like it makes a real contribution to the overall narrative, rather than DoS' more episodic style. The quality of the writing is astounding, which comes as no surprise, because the author also writes actual novels. In the Blood features a carefully-planned plot full of twists and foreshadowing and a solid cast of OCs. Fair warning: Sasuke's an abusive asshole for the majority of the fic, so if you're a Sasuke fan then In The Blood may not be for you. Thanks to u/teensith for the recommendation!

Bleed Out  by HazelBeka [COMPLETE]

After Iruka's confrontation with Kakashi before the chuunin exams, he's targeted by a serial killer who seems to be picking off disrespectful chuunin. Iruka survives, but it's only a matter of time before the killer returns to finish the job. Finding his name on the suspects' list, Kakashi bullies his way onto Tenzou's investigation in an attempt to clear his name and protect Iruka from the real threat.

Bleed Out is the Tenzou-centric detective/buddy-cop fic that nobody asked for, but that we got anyway. Like most Naruto whodunnits, an OC-heavy cast is necessary because of course we already know all the canon characters' hidden secrets. Bleed Out's OCs blend in well with the canon cast and don't detract from the story, in my opinion. The mystery is engaging, with enough hints that everyone can figure out some of it, but only particularly attentive readers can figure out all of it before the reveal. Naruto and Iruka's relationship is also very cute. The only thing that really detracts from the fic is the author's liberal use of headcanons, namely Kakashi and Iruka being close friends at the time of the Chunin Exams and Iruka being a sealing specialist.

Sai Hiden (Sai's Story)  by ProfessorPalmarosa [ABANDONED]

Shortly after Sai and Ino's first date, a woman's corpse is discovered. Once more bodies are found, a rumor spreads across Konoha that this may be the work of a serial killer. As Sai continues the investigation at Kakashi's insistence, a pattern emerges. Every last victim is a former Foundation member, and the truth is far worse than he or anyone else could have ever imagined.

Honestly, I wouldn't recommend reading this fic simply because it's abandoned. I'm normally fine with reading abandoned fics, but an abandoned whodunnit has no closure whatsoever. I put it on the list regardless because what is written is really good. Set in the Blank Period, this fic ties into a lot of the post-canon novels and explores the lives of ex-Foundation members. There's also a healthy dose of well-written romance.


Fics that explicitly include characters or settings from other fictional media. Crossovers can be roughly divided into fics that are about Naruto characters in other stories' settings, and those that are about other stories' characters in the Narutoverse.

The Nature Of Things by WallPetal [CONTINUING]

With a not so pleasant upbringing, Kakashi Hatake has learned to roll with the blows that life deals you. The question stands. Can he teach that to 20+ kids trying to push him into an early grave? All the while readying the Pro-heroes of tomorrow, the past lurks in the dark. There's no escaping from the deeds already done, from the beasts howling for their pound of flesh.

It finally happened! I found a crossover I thought was great! Honestly, the only reason that The Nature Of Things is on the gold standard list while other popular crossovers like Marvel's Maelstrom are on silver is because The Nature Of Things includes my favourite Naruto characters and the MHA 'verse, which I personally prefer. It's not a division of quality. I feel kind of bad naming The Nature Of Things the "gold standard" of crossovers when I'm sure better contenders for the title are out there… so I'm certainly open to other recs!

That said, this list is here to celebrate what fics do right, so here goes: modern ANBU with body armour and guns fits the rule of cool to a T, and I love it. The characters are all well-written, and toddler Naruto is adorable. Though simple, the plot is solid and engaging, and takes time to properly settle into itself before having Naruto and MHA characters interact. It's an all-round enjoyable story that handles both of its source materials well, and I look forward to the next update.

The Other List:

These are fics that are very popular among the fanfiction community, but that aren't to my personal taste. Most of these fics are equal in quality to their gold standard counterparts and I highly recommend you check out any that catch your interest.  They're here because people love them, after all.

Please don't ask me to read these. I already have.

Life in Konoha's ANBU by Shezza [ABANDONED]

ANBU!Naruto. Drafted into ANBU at a young age, Naruto is guided to the path of a Captain. Leader of Team Sigma, the Hokage's Personal Guard, Naruto will lead his team and defend his Village to the best of his ability. Threats besiege the Land of Fire from all sides, and only Naruto stands before them…

The Waves Arisen  by Wertifloke [COMPLETE]

A young Naruto found refuge in the village library, and grew up smart, but by blood he is Ninja, and what place is there for curiosity and calculation in this brutal world of warring states?

A World Full of Monsters by Fahad09 [ABANDONED]

When I was first reincarnated I did the very first thing any self-respecting man in my place would do. Check to see if I still had my balls. I did. The next thing I did was try to get my hands on some power. True Power. I chose the Rinnegan. And if I had to kill a few people along the way to get it, well, there was a war going on. No one will notice an extra body or two turning up.

Not Sick  by Ser Serendipity [COMPLETE]

In one world, after defeating his brother, Itachi Uchiha dropped dead, victim of a mysterious disease, and the future of the ninja world was set for the worse. However, in another, Itachi was not sick. From this small difference, many changes will spring, and many plans will be overturned. The path of the last of the Uchiha, and the world itself, will be altered forever.

Hell's Radiance by Angel of the Godless [ABANDONED]

AU Fate can be a twisted thing, some only exist in hate. Sakura was one of those, a container of the most feared demon in history, hated by her village. Lost in the darkness, she tried to find a reason for living.

Naruto: Shinobi Institute of Performance Analysis  by MaxFic [ABANDONED]

Not every idea Orochimaru ever had was bad. When one of his mothballed programs gets refreshed by the Third how will the world change for Team 7 when they are given brutally honest evaluations of their skills, personalities and potentials. With this knowledge laid bare before them and their Sensei what do they do and how to they grow. STRAIGHT/NON-YAOI

Pain, Hunger, and Betrayal  by Tyrannitor [ABANDONED]

The Shinigami was satisfied by the bloodbath called the Fourth Shinobi World War. He reaped the souls of over 80,000 ninjas and countless civilians... Then why does he send one of them back in time? (Time-travel done RIGHT; read the first chapter to be convinced. Full summary inside. Features Fūinjutsu!Naruto. Will be EPIC in length. NO HAREM.) "Err... why do you smell like fish?"

Marvel's Maelstrom  by Pibbinator [ABANDONED]

During the climactic battle with Kaguya, Naruto is transported to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Realizing that no one is coming for him, Naruto sets himself on an odyssey filled with mad gods, powerful tyrants and a few stones to find his way back home.

Introverted  by Shadenight123 [COMPLETE]

Being ignored and gazed at with hatred can lead someone to become a boisterous and loud orange-wearing shinobi, but it can also drive him to become a silent and invisible introvert. Of the two, Naruto takes the logical choice for a future in the Ninja World. Team Sai-Naruto-Sakura. No pairings. Future of bloodshed and grittiness assured.

Seals are Easy, People are Hard by slythefoxx2 [CONTINUING]

Naruto's reaction to his isolation is different from canon. How will Konoha deal with a Seal Master Jinchuuriki with muted affect and a perverted streak a mile wide?

A Justifiable Excuse  by rayemars [ONESHOT]

Uchiha Itachi, there is no sin in killing your clan when they are only imposters.

The Disintegration Mechanism  by romanescue [ONESHOT]

You will grant him a kunoichi-style execution. One-sided Uchihacest, non-explicit. Darkish. Twisty.

Sapphire Eyes  by Acebe r [ONESHOT]

The Yondaime hadn't miscalculated. And he wasn't all that golden either. An angelic exterior hides far more sinister motives. Long live the Hokage.

Hoshigake  by writer168 [CONTINUING]

When Sakura was three, her father told her he was a criminal. When she was seven, the last thing she saw of him was the sword on his back. When she was eight, she had a friend named Kiba. When they were twelve, they met Shino. And when they were genin, they began to fight for the truth because they could no longer fight for the sake of Konoha.

Shadows of Konoha by Amora Journeys [COMPLETE]

Naruto Uzumaki is one of the strongest ninja in the world today. But everyone has their limits. Can he survive ANBU or will it defeat him first?

Walk on the Moon  by SixPerfections [CONTINUING]

A girl reborn into the world of ninja wants to escape the cycle of violence. Power is the only thing that brings freedom in the ninja world and she will have freedom... at any cost. However breaking the bonds she forms won't be as simple as she imagines. AU SI.

Of Harrowed Hearts  by Sable_Scribe [CONTINUING]

Sometimes the hardest battle isn't enough to change a heart, sometimes all the war and blood in the world isn't enough to shift a single destiny.Sometimes a simple touch is enough to break down the strongest of barriers, sometimes a single word is enough to make the world quake. Sometimes the most reaching of changes comes in the form of a little boy sad enough, strong enough, and kind enough to make friends with a monster. Sometimes one change makes waves. Naruto has been hearing the rumbling growl in the back of his head for as long as he can remember. He's seven when he tries to talk to it for the first time. He's the dead last, the failure at everything, so he doesn't actually expect to succeed.And when he's suddenly standing, knee deep in murky water and face to face with a demon, he has no idea what to expect.As it turns out, the world could use something unexpected. In which Naruto discovers the real meaning of the word monster, Sasuke discovers power and strength and learns the difference between them, and Sakura discovers that being herself is not as selfish as she thought. Where Kakashi learns to fight again for what he loves, and Obito never stopped. [yes, the summary is actually this long.]

An Invincible Summer  by ShanaStoryteller [COMPLETE]

When Naruto is five, he's gutted by a drunken civilian and presumed dead. Six months later a girl with ash pale hair and dark blue eyes enters the Academy.

Scorpions Disciple  by nobody102 [ABANDONED]

AU. Orochimaru's resignation from Akatsuki is more intense than in canon, resulting in a meeting between young Naruto and Sasori… Slow buildup. Last chapter is a summary, technically not complete.

The Empty Cage  by Rathanel [ABANDONED]

AU. Desperate and rushed, Minato Namikaze is forced to rely on the Death God's seal, a seal he doesn't fully understand, and his son pays the price with his life. So who is the blond-haired kid running around Konoha? M for language and violence.

The Ghost and the Darkness  by Kirsdarkenvar [ABANDONED]

Sasuke and Naruto become friends at a young age, but will Naruto's paranoia and mental instability draw Sasuke down into madness, or will Sasuke's own demons bring them both into the dark? Not yaoi

People Lie  by Nugar [ABANDONED]

Lies have power. They can change a simple-minded believer into a two-faced schemer and a timid follower into a fanatical devotee. They can change a child angry at the world into a man consumed by more than vengeance. But that power is a lie as well.

A Drop of Poison  by Angel of Snapdragons [CONTINUING]

WIP An unconscious Iruka forces Naruto to return to the academy for another year. It also marks the beginnings of a prank whose far-reaching consequences will shake Konoha to its foundations.

Patriot's Dawn  by Dr. Snakes MD [COMPLETE]

Uzumaki Naruto was born to be a shinobi. He was supposed to be a killer; a protector of unparalleled skill. His lineage and the demon in his gut ensured that. In canon, his growth was stunted. In here, he had a reason to be strong. He has to survive. AU.

Hurricane Suite  by Dr. Snakes MD [CONTINUING]

Uzumaki Naruto grew up with lofty goals, guts, and determination. Instincts of a born fighter made him grow; duty to his home drove him. As the battle lines begin to blur, he must find a way to reconcile all he's ever known with the man he hopes to become. Large AU.

How to Obtain a Reverse Harem in Naruto  by Darkpetal16 [CONTINUING]

A rewrite of Sakura. In which a blunt, and eccentric OC is placed into the body of Sakura Haruno at the start of the series. Nothing at all could possibly go wrong.

Vapors by ElectraSev5n [COMPLETE]

This ninja business? It isn't for the faint of heart. Luckily Aiko is far from faint, even if she did get stuck with a ridiculously girly name. SI, OC, whatever you want to call it. Rating is for language.

Catch Your Breath  by Lang Noi [CONTINUING]

Inspired by Silver Queen's "Dreaming of Sunshine." Ripples turn into waves and crash upon the shores of what is and what could be, and I was just someone else who got pulled under. I didn't realize that even a drowning person makes waves of their own. A SI OC story.

SHINOBI: The RPG - Act 1  by Fulcon [COMPLETE]

A min-maxing Self-Insert ruins himself at character creation.

The Lives Worth Saving  by cwsaphyre [ABANDONED]

Naruto, at 26, has lived through 10 years of war. At the end, with nothing left to call home, he sends himself back to the beginning, to the day of his younger self's graduation, in an attempt to change it all. Time travel AU.

I Am NOT Going Through Puberty Again! by EvilFuzzy9 [COMPLETE]

Our heroes did not come from a future where everything has gone horribly wrong. They did not travel back in time to save the world from a bleak or miserable fate. As a matter of fact, all they want to do is find a way back home as soon as possible. [cracky, epilogue-compliant time travel fic] [Now has a TV Tropes page!]

now, for the second act  by WDW [ABANDONED]

After his death at Pein's hands, Kakashi finally makes his peace with his father. But when he opens his eyes, he's thirteen again, armed with all the knowledge he has of the future and the skill set of a thirty year old ex-ANBU Commander. He's ready to save his precious people. Except, he's not the only one to make it back. [Team Minato time travel]

Blind Stars of Fortune  by 100demons [COMPLETE]

Thirty year old Kakashi was supposed to have been killed by Pein during the Invasion. Instead, he wakes up in the body of his twenty year old self. (It gets a lot more complicated.) Time travel.

Do Over  by Kyogre [COMPLETE]

Naruto and Kurama accidentally end up in the past, on the day of Naruto's birth, and are forced to live their lives all over again. They make the best of it, to everyone else's extreme confusion. (Alive Minato and Kushina, humor.)

Sasuke's No Good Very Bad Teammates  by GwendolynStacy [CONTINUING]

Naruto and Sakura have gone insane. Or: Just after becoming Team 7 Naruto and Sakura go through a massive shift in personality, leaving Sasuke out of the loop and wondering what in the name of sanity could have happened to them. His only consolation is that Kakashi is just as weirded out as he is.

reverse  by blackkat [COMPLETE]

To make a tragedy, you break something beautiful and frame the pieces. To make a victory, you break something mighty and rebuild it piece by piece. To make a life, you glue the pieces together and hope for the best. Kurama's still getting the hang of this 'human' thing, but given that he's 30 years back in time with catastrophes to prevent and a blond brat to save, he'll have to figure things out on the fly. Luckily, living with Naruto's been good for his ability to improvise, if nothing else.

backslide  by blackkat [COMPLETE]

Naruto's friends are gone, his lover is dying, Konoha is destroyed, and Madara's second return has pushed the entire world to the brink. Hunted and harried, Naruto is sent back in time to upend Madara's plan before it even starts, and sets about changing everything. Butterfly effect nothing: the world is at stake, and Naruto is hardly about to let it fall to ruin once more. Not while he's still breathing.

Black Cloaks, Red Clouds  by Archontruth [ABANDONED]

In a world where Orochimaru is Hokage and the Hidden Villages are ruled by tyrants, Tenten finds the lines between ally and enemy blurring when a desperate strategy lands her in the company of enigmatic strangers who wear black cloaks with red clouds. DeiTen and NejiTen. Contains adult themes.

Trip Down a Hill  by Deferonz [CONTINUING]

It was honestly kind of funny that all it took for the path of the ninja world to drastically change was Naruto Uzumaki falling down a hill. The boy at the dock helped him up, and their destined friendship began a few years early. Naruto/Sasuke Friendship ; Team 7 Friendship

Bloodstained Hands in a World of White  by dogloser [CONTINUING]

Kakashi had never entirely understood the Kamui Sharingan. It was supposed to have killed him in his fight against Pein, and yet he somehow wakes up - within his thirteen-year-old body and without Obito's Sharingan, no less. Stranded in a new but old second life, Hatake Kakashi determines that he will fix what he had broken, so many years ago, all while he fears that a broken man will only do what he knows best, and continue to break everything he touches.

(Or: Team Minato worries about their loneliest team member, especially when he starts acting nice to Obito and looks at Rin and Minato like they're ghosts. Kakashi tries to shut them out and pull them closer at the same time, and he swears he will keep his promise this time around.)

Abolish Private Property by iaso  and sage_thrasher [CONTINUING]

It all starts the day Akari gets into a debate with Minato Namikaze on a battlefield during the Third Ninja War. [Or, that one raging communist SI/OC in Kumo that nobody asked for (or deserves, honestly).]

The Tale of Naruto Uzumaki  by Temeritous [COMPLETE]

  1. Of the Leaf  [COMPLETE]

[The king is dead; long live the king.] A month before the Chuunin Exams are set to begin, the Hokage dies of a stroke. Danzo steps up as interim Hokage until the Council can vote in the Fifth, and then Kakashi has to start thinking about more drastic measures. Because what he knows, and what everyone else seems to have forgotten, is that natural causes have nothing to do with shinobi.

  1. All Things Strive  [COMPLETE]

Scenes from the years when Team Seven was on the run, including the beginning of Naruto's unfortunate habit of getting swallowed by large animals, the growth of teamwork, training methods, and how they came together and made it all work.

  1. The Water Truce  [COMPLETE]

[I have returned with peace for our time] Freshly inaugurated Fifth Hokage         Uzumaki has several issues to deal with, including picking a new council, investigating the actions of his village's greatest traitor, reopening the walls of Konoha to the Chuunin Exams, negotiations with the other nations, and helping Sasuke track down his murderous brother.

  1. Three Monkeys  [COMPLETE]

The dark god does not want you to be happy. He wants you to be strong.

Flip the Coin  by Inrainbowz [SERIES; CONTINUING]

A Role Reversal AU where Naruto is the bitter angry runaway one and Sasuke and Sakura chase him around and also they change the world probably.

  1. Flip the Coin  [COMPLETE]

"When you think about it, Sasuke, we could be standing in each other's place right now." Naruto grows up shunned, hated, without support and full of rage. Sasuke grows up determined to step out of his brother's shadow and be recognized for his own merits. In which Naruto is the one who runs and Sasuke does the chasing. Part 1 (pre-Shippuden) is now COMPLETE.

Comrade in Irons  by Rahuratna [ABANDONED After a mission goes horribly wrong, Naruto and Kakashi must battle their way back to Konoha in the face of false accusation. Faced with a series of baffling murders, Shikamaru must unravel a scheme that could destroy his friends as well as Konoha itself

The Mouse of Konoha  by obsidian dreamer [COMPLETE] Never underestimate the power of good advice. A few wise words into a pair of young ears leads a young would-be ninja to a decision; the Leaf will recognise him, but not as the fox... now separate from Win Some, Lose Some!

Ghost  by Onmysignalunleashwords [COMPLETE] "Her face. I remember her face." A boy trained to kill is brought into the light. Grey, different Naruto heavily stealth based and Root trained, but not in the traditional sense. How will he cope with that most dangerous of foes: emotion?

Child Borne of Spring  by iaso [CONTINUING] Haruko Maito was a ballerina in her last life and finds herself as a ninja in her new one. No, she doesn't understand the connection either. She also doesn't understand why she's alive - if she's even alive in the first place - but she figures that she might as well have a bit of fun for as long as she's stuck on this disastrous ride. SI/OC as Gai's twin.

Hear the Silence  by EmptySurface [CONTINUING] "When did you start to remember?" He asked next, relaxing further in his seat, which Kyo found calming.

Kyo wakes up in a strange place, not sure what year it is or what is going on or if anything she remembers is actually reliable. So she just does what she's always done; live her life. It soon enough becomes more about survival than anything else.

In which another lease on life is a bit more complicated than Kyo had at first anticipated.

sabotage  by stirringwinds [ONESHOT]

"Itachi," His mentor and commanding officer says grimly, his single visible eye angry, the line of his jaw tense under the black of his mask. "You forget that I was the Yondaime's student. I may not be as politically influential as those old codgers sitting on the council, but there is plenty I can do to try and stop this shitshow."

The horrible, cold feeling in the pit of his stomach hasn't vanished. But, staring at the firm, unflinching expression on his captain's face, he feels the tiniest flicker of…hope.

Or: In another universe, Itachi breaks down and ends up spilling the beans to Hatake Kakashi.

history has its eyes on you  by tasalmalin [COMPLETE]

This five-part series is a Kakashi-centric time travel fix-it. It starts out pretty dark, but the real heart of the story is one of healing, and there are happy endings on the horizon. Specific warnings are included with each chapter.

Each story has its own arc and is complete in itself, but I recommend starting from the first story and reading through chronologically; the series is meant to be taken as a whole. Hope you enjoy!

  1. you have no control  [COMPLETE]

Sasuke kills Itachi, but this time he joins forces with the remaining Uchiha to seek vengeance on Konoha. It's a disaster for the village. The survivors are scattered, desperate, falling one by one. They need a miracle.

  1. who lives, who dies, who tells your story  [COMPLETE]

Everything was a mess, but Kakashi, Neji, and Gaara have a chance to set things right. These three are some of the smartest and most capable ninja in the world, surely there's nothing they can't do, especially with their foreknowledge. Of course, they're also some of the most messed up.

  1. I know that we can win  [COMPLETE]

He screwed up being Hokage and he screwed up Naruto's miracle second chance, and now he's alone, still expected to save the world, and Kakashi truly doesn't understand how anyone could think that would end well. He certainly doesn't.

  1. I know that greatness lies in you  [COMPLETE]

Four years later, Kakashi thinks he might be ready to try being a regular genin again. The problem being, he's not quite sure what that means.

  1. but remember from hereon in  [COMPLETE]

Ten years later, it's time to repay an old debt.

The Ghost Ship  by Renaerys [ONESHOT]

An ancient curse. A crew of the Damned. A stranger with secrets that will change the fates of three people whose fates were already decided long ago. [HashiMitoMada. PotC AU] (Thanks to u/DontDoThatThingy for the rec!)

Echo  by Renaerys [ONESHOT]

Ino Yamanaka is a bright and promising associate navigating the frothing waters of Big Law. When her firm gets saddled with a case defending a serial killer with a secret, the truth becomes the last thing she wants to hear. "This voice is alive." HidaIno. [Modern AU. Haunted Series: Book Two.] (Thanks to u/DontDoThatThingy for the rec!)

your move, instigator (draw your weapon and hold your tongue)  by Laysan_albatross [COMPLETE]

"We are still under wartime policy," the recruiter had told her parents. He had an envelope in his hand. He sounded sorry. "She has two parents who are successful ninjas. We would be remiss to overlook her potential based upon that alone."

The Third Shinobi War never ended. Konoha needs more soldiers, grabbing anyone who can fight, especially those who can't say no. (Thanks t o u/ xMil4Nx  and u/balkinbalkans  for the rec!)

Problematic Soldier by Maelstrom_Prince [ABANDONED]

Under the pressure of the Nine Tails attack on the Leaf, Minato is forced to use an unfinished seal on his son. A couple months later, Sarutobi abruptly demands Jiraiya to return to the village in haste when the seal shows signs of breaking.

Young Naruto falls into the hands of Danzou, and the council demands him to train the boy into something of use. A soldier.

They never mentioned that he still had to be human.

Catharsis  by pastanoodle [ABANDONED]

Sakura isn't the kind of person to survive past Genin. She wears pink, fights over boys, and can't throw a Kunai to save her life. Which is why no one expects her to live very long. To Sakura, graduating from the academy is like a reality check. Being a shinobi is nothing close to how civilian romance novels make it seem. Sakura has always been terrible at stopping when she should. So she changes pink to grey, forces herself to ignore Sasuke, and learns how to shatter bones with a single punch. Screw surviving. Sakura knows she's going to die, but she'll go down fighting.

The World Ended Yesterday  by Anjelle [CONTINUING]

  1. The Story of Menma  [CONTINUING]

Naruto is a missing-nin, Iruka is dead and nothing is okay. The only one on his side is the 40ft tall demon fox sealed inside him, but for all that Kurama's grumpy, he's pretty good company. The ANBU are after him, too--apparently Konoha doesn't plan on letting go of its jinchuuriki. That's fine. He can take them. Well, maybe 'run away from' is more accurate. And the ANBU have wood release. And the sharingan. That's also fine. He'll manage.

Naruto is his mother's son, his father's legacy, and Konoha's mistake. But that was never enough to stop him before. He'll forge his own path. He'll make his own mistakes. No one will tell him what to do—not the Fourth Hokage, not the old man, the ANBU or the village.

Naruto will carve out his place in the world. And if he loses something along the way, maybe that's okay.

  1. Outrunning Karma  [ABANDONED?]

Kakashi was forty-two and the world ended in a sea of smoke and ash. Kakashi was forty-two and there stood a man in the carnage, untouched and unfazed as the village burned around him.

Kakashi is nineteen and the world ends tomorrow, and he will do everything he can to make it right. Even if it means making friends of his enemies. Even if it means erasing everything.

Even if it means staring into the face of all that he hates and smiling.

Kakashi is nineteen and Naruto is five and there is still time. Instead of counting his losses, he'll make the most of it.

Chosen of the Bijuu  [SERIES, COMPLETE] (thanks to u/ideasforall7 for the rec!)

  1. Family is forged one step at a time  [COMPLETE]

In one timeline, Madara hunted down and enslaved the Kyuubi no Kitsune to his will and wielded him against Hashirama. Two hundred years later, Naruto squares off against a man who seeks to turn back time to claim the Juubi. He wins in the sense that the man dies. He looses in that he himself is cast back in time instead, and without Kurama.

In this timeline, two now seek the Bijuu, one young, powerful, and driven by hatred; the other beyond ancient, inherently kind, and only seeks to save his oldest friend in the little time he has left, even if said friend no longer remembers him.

A one-shot that became something more. Series complete.

  1. Family, Like Iron, Can Be Reforged  [COMPLETE]

Namikaze Naruto had lived a long and full life, far longer than any before him, but even he eventually had to leave for the Pure Lands as his body failed from extreme age. As the new Chosen of the Kyuubi, Uzumaki Naruto is left to help Kurama through his grief, though he is nowhere near alone in this mission thanks to their families.

Elsewhere, threats long since cowed by the elder Naruto begin to crawl out of the holes they fled into, sensing an opportunity now that the greatest defender of the Bijuu has passed…

A Promise  by J_animelover6 [CONTINUING]

"Old man, do you -" Naruto looked down, nervous. "Do you know who my parents are?" He asked in a small voice, biting his lip and shuffling on his feet.

Hiruzen's heart clenched as he stared at the face of the mini version of his successor, he can't do this at the moment, he can't explain everything right now. He has places to be and things to do. It will be so much easier to lie. To close his eyes, block his ears and lie. It's not like it'll be anything new - Orochimaru, Tsunade, Jiraiya, his sons. Just another lie to add to the pile, another situation avoided. So easy.


Sarutobi Hiruzen has many regrets and he refuses to let Naruto be one of them.

tip these golden scales  by Cube_ (CubeWatermelon ) [CONTINUING]

Sakura has always been different. It was clear as day when she found out that eating the coals fresh out the fireplace was not a universal experience.

She just wishes her parents could have told her a little earlier than, say, her genin graduation day.

Second Bite at the Cherry  by Sakinthra [CONTINUING]

There's been a storm brewing inside Sakura ever since Sasuke left to seek out Orochimaru, and the growing realization that she might not be half the shinobi her teammates are. She's always been the one that held back and let the boys finish the job, but it's clear she can't let herself be the weak one any longer. It's time to take her fate into her own hands.

It started with breaking into a library. But after a slew of what could be arguably called bad decisions, Sakura puts together an unlikely team of shinobi and decides to take on several impossible goals: defeating Akatsuki, keeping her loved ones safe, and, the most impossible goal of all: the unification of the shinobi world.

Sakura's not going to be the weak one of Team Seven anymore.

(A pre-Shippuden divergence AU. Updates weekly.)

how not to be saved  by Dove y [ONESHOT] Sakura isn't Rin, but she might as well be.

Road to Heaven  by crimson sun06 [ABANDONED] For generations Team 7 has produced some of the greatest shinobi of their age. Their legendary feats moulded not only Konoha but the entire shinobi world into what it is, for better or worse. They say that the road to hell is paved with good intentions but its the road to heaven that goes through hell.

Coffee's To-Read List:

Feel free to make recommendations! You can contact me by pinging or DMing u/coffee-mugger on Reddit.

  • Sealkeeper He Who Binds
  • Walking Backwards on a Tightrope
  • Against the World
  • Déjà vu no Jutsu
  • The Bloody Oracle of Kiri
  • Blondie Chapter 1: Part One - Overture, a naruto fanfic
  • The Revenant (u/balkinbalkans)
  • Little Terror

Bird's Eye View Chapter 1, a naruto fanfic

  • Team 7: A Retelling Chapter 1: Academy Years, a naruto fanfic
  • Lighting Up The Dark
  • A Moi Chapter 1: Creve, a naruto fanfic  (u/anonymityiskewl)

What I look for in a fic:


  • Correct grammar and spelling is a must.
  • Is it generally well-written? Do I feel tense when I am meant to, and sad when I am meant to? Is the story engaging to read? Can I connect with the characters and their feelings?.
  • I prefer anglicised language (Might Guy instead of Maito Gai, for example), but using the Japanese versions isn't a dealbreaker provided that the author is consistent. I prefer suffixes to be absent or anglicised where appropriate (Naruto and Princess Tsunade rather than Naruto-kun and Tsunade-hime), but I won't penalise a fic if they're present. If suffixes are used they should stay lower-case, Sasuke-Kun and Sakura-Chan just look wrong.
  • I prefer English jutsu names, though I'm fine with the famous ones staying Japanese. Bunshin instead of clone is fine. Doryuheki instead of Mud Wall is not. For the love of all things holy please do not write "Doton: Mirukahuto no Jutsu (Earth Style: Whatever Technique) " ! If you must use Japanese jutsu names, at least don't break immersion by throwing in constant translations.

Fight scenes:

  • Can I easily tell what is happening? This is actually quite hard to achieve - too much or not enough detail will both confuse the reader.
  • Are they actually fun to read? In many well-regarded fics, I find myself just skipping to the end of fight scenes to see what the outcome.
  • Are they creative? Do characters come up with interesting strategies using the abilities/skills they already have?
  • Naruto vs Shikamaru  in One Eye, Full of Wisdom, Sakura vs Mizuki  in Team Seven: Shinobi at War and Naruto vs Pain  in The Waves Arisen are the gold standard for Naruto fanfiction fight scenes.

Rehashing of early arcs:

  • Most genfics and SI-OC fics start somewhere near episode 1 of the original, meaning that they have to rehash the Wave and (sometimes) Chunin Exams arcs. Reading the same arcs, with slight variations, over and over again gets very boring very quickly.
  • Does the author manage to take the arc in a unique but realistic direction?
  • Do the changes to canon make sense in the context of the fic?
  • Special mention to To Kill a Bull, which pulls this off excellently. The authors' handling of Orochimaru in the Forest of Death is unique (I've never seen anyone take the plot in that particular direction before), realistic, and extremely well-written.


  • Do the characters actually match their canon personalities? Even within the context of an AU, I expect reasons to be given if a character's personality is changed.
  • Are the characters multidimensional? Do they feel like real people, or cardboard cutouts?
  • Do the characters develop and change throughout the story? Is their development realistic?
  • OCs are extremely hard to pull off well. If the story attempts to have OCs as major characters, are they Mary Sues or Gary Stus? Do they feel like a boring character archetype? Do they fit in with the world around them?
  • Special mentions to Chiaroscuro  for character development, Rise of the Uchiha and Ricochet for matching the characters' personalities to their canon ones perfectly (despite sweeping changes to canon), and What Doesn't Kill You for good OCs.


  • I'm a sucker for fics that feature political games. Bonus points to any fic that gives me a political!Hidden Leaf, wrangling between Hiruzen and Danzo and so forth.
  • Do I know about the relationships between the five Great Nations? Between the Daimyo and the Kage? Between the civilians and shinobi?
  • However, I only expect this kind of worldbuilding in fics that need it. It would be unreasonable of me to expect a fic that has nothing to do with politics at all (such as The Way of the Apartment Manager ) to go into detail about this kind of thing.
  • Sweeping AUs that change canon to a massive extent have their work cut out for them in terms of worldbuilding. If they pull it off, I'm always impressed.
  • Bonus points to Life in Konoha's ANBU and Shinobi: Team Seven for international worldbuilding, and to Rise of the Uchiha and Great Clan Days for massive AUs.


  • There are many fics that attempt to use darkness and character death as a crutch for actual emotional writing. Any fic that attempts to be dark needs to do it properly.
  • There are a few fics that made the Gold Standard list despite suffering from the above problem, such as Naruto: Myoushuu no Fuuin.  They made it onto this list in spite of, and not because of, their handling of darkness. Shoutout to Team 7's Ascension: Blood Wings for being dark but not using darkness as a crutch. Negative shoutout to The Waves Arisen for using darkness as a crutch more obvious than Kakashi's in the Wave arc.
  • Obviously, a fic doesn't need to be dark to be good. There are many fics, such as pretty much all humour fics, and lighter genfics, that are excellent without any darkness at all.

Naruto How Did Orochimaru Come Back After Itachi Sealed Him? Reddit


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