Holy Batman Quotes Funny Birthday Wishes
As a general rule, Batman isn't exactly known for being a funny guy. He's called the Dark Knight, not the Light-Hearted Knight. Various Justice League members have commented on how grim and serious he is the vast majority of the time. But in his line of work, taking things seriously can be key.
At the same time, he has been known to drop a one-liner or two from time to time. He's still got a lot of work to do on his tight five minutes before he takes the stage at an open mic night. But Batman can still make even the Joker smile once in a while.
10 Slowing The Flash Down

Working with The Flash can be a difficult experience. The man is nice, smart, and is one of the most honorable heroes DC has to offer. At the same time, the guy is frequently moving so fast that he doesn't stop to listen to anything his allies moving at normal speed are saying.
This presents a problem when Batman is trying to lay down strategy as Flash is often quite distracted. Flash got nervous and concerned because of this, so Batman put his hand on his shoulder to calm him down and said, "Not if you pay close attention."
9 Even Batman Gets Frustrated

There are a lot of attributes that make Batman who he is. Naturally, people think of the world's greatest detective, a masterful hand-to-hand combatant, and the driver of fantastic bat-themed cars. But he's also known as a serious guy who remains nonplussed in virtually all situations.
That being said, Batman is still human and gets annoyed just like everyone else. While driving in the Batmobile, he got frustrated while explaining who he was to his passenger and said, in no uncertain terms, "I'm the Goddamn Batman." That says it all.
8 Trying To Be Tough

Maintaining the mystique around the Dark Knight is key to being Batman. Criminals need to be afraid of him before he even shows up. He's actually won a few battles over the years based on reputation alone. But keeping his Batman rep in check isn't always easy.
At one point, Batman was injured and talking to a worried young man who asked about his wounds. Batman tried to make the kid feel better by saying, "It looks worse than it feels." But the kid called his bluff and asked if he was telling the truth. Batman responded with a simple, but telling, "No."
7 Worried About The Bee Population

The variety of threats Batman faces regularly can never be truly overestimated. One day he's dealing with a murderous clown, the next it's a living pile of shape-shifting clay. And that doesn't even cover the angry Luchadore who is loaded with Venom.
But when talking about a variety of threats, an attack on the Amazons came up and he also mentioned a deadly bee weapon. For a moment, he actually seemed taken aback and remarked, "Bees. My God." It's hard to say if he was afraid of the bees or worried about them. Batman is environmentally conscious.
6 Calling Out Harley Quinn's Rampage

Dealing with the Joker is always trying for Batman. The guy is a dangerous lunatic who is literally capable of any kind of horror. Harley Quinn is an entirely different problem. She's still kind of a criminal but is also kind of a hero. At least with Joker, Batman knows he's up to no good.
When Harley was out having a good time committing a series of break-ins, she quite naturally ran into the Caped Crusader. Harley wondered what the chances were they'd run into each other. Batman responded with, "Since this is the tenth store you've broken into tonight, I'd say they were excellent."
5 Funny And Menacing At The Same Time

Being Batman requires walking a lot of lines. It honestly wouldn't take much to push him over the edge, going from righteous vigilante to the same moral territory as The Punisher. But there's another one that he straddles quite effectively.
It's surprising how many of the quotes he delivers can be menacing and funny at the same time. While breaking up some criminal activities, he delivered the ice-cold line, "You all need to run. Now." To them, it was probably pretty menacing. To the reader, it was pretty funny.
4 Beating Penguin's Thugs Up

Penguin is an interesting villain. Honestly, it doesn't seem like he cares about being good or bad. He just wants the respect of Gotham's elite and how he gets it is almost irrelevant. That being said, acquiring that respect often leads him down a darker path.
When Batman busted into his club, Penguin was trying to stay roughly on the right side of the law. That didn't stop his thugs from attacking. As the fight wrapped up, Penguin asked Batman if he was done beating them up. He responded with, "Not sure, yet. They hit me pretty hard with their stun guns."
3 Batman Has Insurance Policies

One thing a lot of people don't know about Batman is that he's quite considerate of the people he's messing up. As such, he should probably start letting his villains know about the insurance policies offered by different companies in the city.
While on a mission, he was chatting with Alfred over their comms. Alfred suggested that such insurance be offered and Batman pointed out it already existed. He eventually said, "For what it's worth, Batman insurance policies are called Dark Knight Returns."
2 The Caped Crusader Holds A Grudge

As The Joker is all too aware, Batman is not one to forgive and forget. He killed one Robin years ago and the Caped Crusader has never let him forget it, even after Jason Todd was resurrected. In Batman's defense, that's not easy to forget.
When Catwoman upset him, he really took holding a grudge to a new level. Specifically, that new level was in high school, "I promise no matter what, I will never be your friend and I will never forgive you and I will hate you for the rest of my life."
1 Batman Delivers A Super Burn On Superman

Superman and Batman have a difficult relationship. They are allies and sometimes friends, even if they don't completely trust each other. But if either of them ever crosses the line and goes evil, they each know the other would be the first in line to bring them down.
But despite that, it doesn't mean they don't verbally take each other down from time to time. Superman was criticizing Batman for not being more inspirational. Batman laid waste to the Man of Steel with the following line, "...the last time you really inspired anyone was when you were dead."
Source: https://www.cbr.com/batman-funniest-comic-quotes/
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